Degreeworks... not even close to accurate?

<p>So in trying to come up with an idea of a schedule before BB, you would think degreeworks would be helpful. After all, it does list all of the classes I need. However, it does not seem to be accurate. I click on the link of the class that I will be taking, and a link containing all of the “sections” pops up. This contains the professor name, class meet days, times, etc. It also contains “seats available.” Too bad the answer is 0 for almost every single section. Somehow I find this a little difficult to believe since half of the class is still yet to register, all of the seats in these classes are taken. Is half the campus just not gonna be taking classes? How can I try to put together a preliminary schedule when all of the courses are supposedly full? Also, I remember being told honors college students get priority registration… How is that possible when there are non honors students registering first? Thanks for any answers!</p>

<p>Freshman Classes have seats opened at each Bama Bound session.</p>

<p>But how does that help me in trying to plan class days and times? Degreeworks just says all of the seats are taken for the already created classes. Is there any way to know days and times of future classes to be created? or should I just go in knowing which courses i want (honors or not, etc.) and then which professors I want?</p>

<p>No, you definitely need a plan with your various class preferences listed with times/dates worked out, BUT you do need to have alternate classes and plans as well (in case a class/section is closed). </p>

<p>Look at the number of seats that the class will have (max) not the open seats (current). You can do this by looking at past semesters, for instance: you want to take Intro to Biology BSC114 and for Fall 2012, it shows that there are 219 seats and 219 seats are filled so 0 seats remain but last semester Spring 2012 shows that the max seats were 265 seats with 263 filled and 2 remaining. So, at each Bama Bound they will release seats for the various sections. Now one time slot may be more popular than another thus, it is still possible to get closed out of your desired section, in that case you should have alternate plans. It is also possible that a class which is composed of mostly upperclassmen has been filled due to their earlier registration time slots.</p>

<p>Does that clear things up for you??</p>

<p>Yep! Thanks a lot. So even though it currently it says 180 seats all of which are full, once my BB registration starts, they are gonna add more seats to each section… so that 180 could become 220, which frees up more seats… Right? So even though all are full right now, I can still chose from those days and times as for my preferences, and try to get those once they open up more seats for my dates?</p>

<p>That’s right. The number of seats that open in each section varies, too. At my D’s BB session, 6 seats opened in the Math and English classes she wanted, but only 1 seat opened in an honors seminar she was watching. No seats opened in an accounting class she was watching, because it isn’t typically a freshman class and was already full with upperclassmen. No seats opened at BB in the business law class she wanted, but a couple weeks later a number of sections opened 5 new seats apiece. I’m sure there’s some rhyme or reason to it; we just haven’t figured it out.</p>

<p>^^^Correct, not every class will open with seats (or the same amount of seats) at each Bama Bound. If one section has a low enrollment, they may open more seats in that section to try and even out the classes. </p>

<p>The first semester registration is the most difficult to navigate. It can be a confusing process since this is all new to you, by next semester you will be much more proficient at registering. Keep in mind that if you are flexible and have alternate classes planned it will be much easier. </p>

<p>Remember that you may not get into a particular class (you want) your first semester but you have seven other semesters ahead of you. </p>

<p>If you are coming in with a lot of AP/ DE credits and want to forego the intro type classes, it may be more difficult to get everything you want. If you are not thrilled with your class selections after Bama Bound, you still have all summer to tweak your schedule.</p>

<p>Yes, the frosh sections will open seats for each BB. </p>

<p>what classes are you wanting to take? </p>

<p>You still may not get your first choice time of a desired class, that’s why you have to have Plan A, Plan B, etc.</p>

<p>So, make up a grid with days and times, and in various cells put a couple of options.</p>

<p>For instance, you might need English 103 and you want it at 9 am MWF. Fine, put that class & CRN in the 3 MWF 9am cells. But, also find another English 103 section that you might want, if you can’t get 9 am class. Maybe the 11am MWF section is your second choice for English 103. </p>

<p>Do that with the rest of your schedule. Have a few options. Also, include some completely different courses as options. </p>

<p>honors students do get priority registration, which is why their BB are first. However, since some honors kids are attending later non-honors BBs or they’re attending the new later-offered honors BB, many non-honors students will register before THOSE honors kids. It looks like you’re attending either a non-honors BB or you’re attending the newly-offered later BB in early July. Obviously, Bama is hosting BBs during June for non-honors students…so they are registering. </p>

<p>For later semesters, honors priority registration will be more obvious, since you won’t have to “attend” anything.</p>