Did anybody apply for the Jenkins Scholarship?

<p>I know I've asked this before on here, but so far I have only known of myself and one other who have even heard of this scholarship! & hopefully this means my chances of receiving it are greatly increased, but still! Anybody! Any information on the scholarship, or when we should be hearing back, please feel free to post in here! This is a really big scholarship, full tuition, room and board, and books, PLUS a $1500 stipend per semester!</p>

<p>I also applied for the George W Jenkins Scholarship. My BRACE advisor informed me that she spoke with one of the representatives for the scholarship and he said that winners would be informed around April 1st. There was not a specific date, just “around” that time. So I’m very confused. And it puts me in a tough situation because if I don’t get this scholarship I’ll have to go pay my housing contract for UF by the 13th of April. They didn’t even specify how the winners would be informed as well.</p>

<p>Wow!! Okay so far this is THREE people I know of. Same thing, I heard we were supposed to receive some notification last week. An adviser told me that the Publix Corporation chooses the winners, and gives word back to UM, and then they announce it. If there is nothing in my mailbox or email by Wednesday, I’m going to call.</p>

<p>I was wondering if anyone has heard any updates about the George W Jenkins Scholarship? Thanks!</p>

<p>I hadn’t seen the information about the Jenkins scholarship either (until reading your post). My son will be applying to UM in the Fall. Did you submit the Jenkins application with your common app? Or do you apply for this AFTER you’ve been accepted?</p>

<p>OK, I just read about this and see you have to be from specific states to qualify. NY is not one of them. :(</p>