<p>My son's first choice is Villanova, and he got deferred there after applying EA. He also applied EA to Stonehill and Providence, and he not only was accepted both places, but both places gave him incredibly generous merit financial aid packages. </p>
<p>I appreciate that EA acceptances for most places and in particular for a highly competitive place like Villanova are usually for the top of the pack so it is possible that my son may still have a chance, but looking at the CC site I wonder if Villanova denies any of their EA applicants. since a defer decision looks like the worse that could happen to any applicant.</p>
<p>Villanova competes with Notre Dame,Georgetown and BC and for those reasons, it looks like the school may be hedging their bets with defers since not a single applicant is listed as denied EA. Does it happen? Providence denies EA applicants.</p>
<p>I have been wondering about this too. My son tells me that no one from his HS (NJ Catholic School) was denied EA. 22 or so applied–A couple accepted most deferred. Has your son sent in mid-year grades?
My son was also accepted EA to Providence, as well as JMU, Miami Ohio, CU-Boulder, UNH.</p>
<p>Is Villanova your sons first choice? It is not my sons :-(</p>
<p>He has heard it’s Villa-no-fun</p>
<p>Of course I feel differently and we all know mom knows best!</p>
<p>Villanova does not reject anyone EA. My second son is a freshman at the business school and my daughter graduated in 2005 from VSB as well. My son LOVES Villanova!!! He has had no trouble making friends, enjoys his classes and is even rushing a frat this semester, and I am sure has had no trouble finding something fun to do in the Philadelphia area. It is a lot of work, but he keeps telling me that he is “living the dream” and he is very organized and seems to use his time wisely. My daughter loved it, too. If your child is looking for a big party school, Villanova probably isn’t it, but my kids wouldn’t be anywhere else.</p>
<p>Having said that, my daughter applied EA(she was in the top 4% of a very competitive public school class, but who knows who else applied that year) and was deferred to RD(she wrote an extra essay on why Villanova for her). It was a long several months, but she got in…it was her first choice. My son applied RD–last year he was accepted EA to 5 schools all with great merit money, but of course he wasn’t interested either–Villanova was the ONLY place for him.</p>