Did EC's ruin me?

<p>Hi, I'm an upcoming sophomore with possible ivy dreams, but I was wondering if EC's kind of ruined them. Freshman year I took the hardest possible classes and ended up getting a 3.95gpa u/w and rank 5/150. However, since it was freshman year I was advised by our school's guidance counselor to avoid EC's for the year so I'd find my place, get comfortable with a rigorous schedule, etc. I'm planning on joining some EC's this upcoming school year (hopefully some I'd be passionate about) to make up for it, but would it be too late? My dream school would be Yale.</p>


<p>sorry, but here's my schedule from last year:
English I H
Human Geo AP
Integ Sci H
Spanish II H
Geometry Special Honors (same difficulty as an AP class)
Theology I H
Phys. Ed
Intro to Video Prod.
Intro to Micro. Off.</p>

<p>Although it would be preferable to start EC’s during freshman year to show long dedication, you are not too late in starting EC’s during your sophomore year as long as you stick with the ones you really do enjoy for the rest of your high school career.</p>

<p>The only activity on my resume that I did all four years was debate. The rest of mine–all writing-related, and the focus of my application–I didn’t start until junior year. You’re more than fine.</p>

<p>Thanks a lot for the quick replies, this has been something that’s been eating away at me and I just wanted some clarification :slight_smile:
I’m planning on a career in the medical field; there’s a local med-school that has a summer program open to a few students per year, and I’m planning on doing that next summer. Are there any EC’s that would somewhat tie in with this/the medical field?
I’m trying out for golf, too. :smiley: Thanks again!</p>

<p>Also, glasses, I opted to take debate next year as an elective; however, at my school, it’s actually a class… do you think that would be counted as an EC?</p>

<p>^the class no, awards and competition performance yes</p>

<p>perfect, thanks :D</p>

<p>APkidd, you could participate in science-related ECs (they don’t all have to be explicitly medical ECs). For example, you could participate in clubs such as Science Bowl, Science Olympiad, and others where you could show your passion for science. If you’re willing, you could also study for the USA Biology Olympiad and/or the US National Chemistry Olympiad if you enjoy those subjects greatly as those two subjects are important for a prospective medical student.</p>