Did GOD go to Exeter ??

<p>Think about it ... </p>

<p>I mean really think about it ....</p>

<p>The way you guys talk about Exeter on CC I am convinced GOD was the first Exonian, Phillips was the Messiah, and Harkness was Jesus, and the library built by the class of 1945? Well it's probably the Vatican. </p>

<p>They say that GOD created the universe using the laws of physics - 'divine mathmatical laws' supposedly govern the Universe. Well we all know that Exeter is famous for it's math program ... no wonder GOD is so damn good at math but hey he was at exeter I doubt he was number one in his class with the math buffons there... </p>

<p>They say that GOD is all knowing ... have you EVER met an exonian that did not know everything ?? </p>

<p>They say that GOD sees all .. well Exonians got that covered too ! Mark Zukenberg (founder of facebook) can basically see whatever the heck he wants. Even God probably has a facebook account. </p>

<p>They say that GOD is all powerfull ... come on !! Everyone who is anyone knows that exonians control the world ! the skull and bones are shmucks compared to the Exonian sphere of influence ! If we could get a president elected ( who cares if he was one of the worst in american history he was still president) we can do anything. </p>

<p>They say that we are made in GOD's image... Exeter has sooo many copycats it ain't even funny. So exeter has loads of things made in it's image as well! </p>

<p>They saw that GOD is everywhere ... well exonians are soo super diverse that we have grads in essentially every country on earth ! and pretty soon we'll probably have a few exonians in space as well (probably after we buy it with our huge endowment). </p>

<p>They say that God is selfless ... Non Sibi is Exeter's bloody motto we're selfless too !!</p>

<p>See God certainly has all of the attributes of an exonian ! i'm sure he must be one. At the very least phillips was divinely inspired and Exeter is god's third temple! The fountain of knowledge ! The source of all that is good !! </p>

<p>We're starting a religion ... a religion ... a religon. </p>

<p>I have no doubt that Satan went to andover. </p>

<p>I mean some of the thread on here are ridiculous, I bet next there is going to be one that says "what underware should I buy for Exeter?" Dudes relax!! Exeter is a great school but it's not a bloody religion.</p>

<p>Demons went to deerfield !!</p>

<p>Hellboy went to Hotchkiss!</p>

<p>Murderers went to Milton!</p>

<p>and Everyone else went to Eton!</p>

<p>But please guys get real frivilous questions are destroying this site i mean WHO THE HELL CARES what the best cell phone service at Andover is ? It's a bloody surburban school!! It's not like it's in the middle of the amazon and you actually have to worry about cellphone coverage and it's not like they offer special 'andover rates' so like get real .... (i bet half the people that make thee forums really just want to show of the fact that they go to andover in a suttle way - we see right through pretentious people). PLus if you need other people to tell you what clothes to bring why the heck are you going to boarding school ?? I mean your just switching your independence on your parents to independnce on your peers!! I mean get real people!! Ask about classes, activities, freindships, teachers, not the Bull that seems to be dominating these servers of recent. </p>

<p>If i see another "Andover VS Exeter" forum i am goin to shoot somebody ! Dude BOTH are excellent school so stop trying to top the other I mean it's like so 5th grade!! Oooh look my school is better than yours ! NO MINE IS !!! No LOOK WE HAVE MORE FORUMS THAT SAY OUR SCHOOL IS BETTER !! BUT WE HAVE MORE POSTS FROM RANDOM 5TH GRADERS THAT ALWAYS RANK OUR SCHOOL FIRST ! -- i have two words for you people - GET REAL!! and have a nice day :)</p>

<p>thank you! you're right. I was totally trying to subtly (well i guess not-so-subtly) tell everyone that I'm going to andover. Thank goodness i have you to remind me.</p>

<p>Someone is having some SERIOUS cramps.....</p>

<p>kafka.... my post WAS pms-y. andover parents association said that verizon was the best server on campus but i didn't want to have to switch unless i absolutely have to. i'm sorry if you thought i was pretentious and trying to tell everyone that i'm going to andover. i wasn't but i can sort of see how you might have made that assumption.
aussie....thanks...you were right</p>

<p>There are so many people posting on this board from Exeter it indicates elevated nerd factor.This is not a negative thing if you are so inclined.The relative youth that they recruit for academics vs. high numbers of PGs for sports has created a gulf , not true diversity.It would be interesting if any current readers feel closely aligned with either of these groups.</p>

<p>you know, the one thing that would of made exeter better is if they didn't hide the fact that god went there. i'm glad that someone has pointed it out.</p>

<p>I wasn't talking about you illegallyblonde hehe I was talking about the kraken lady (I forgot your username sry!)</p>

<p>you know i may have made a mistake the cell phone question may have been alright you seem like a nice person who is just excited which is understandable considering you're going to Andover ! (good on you girl - you'll love it trust me the guys are really cute!). I was too hard on you sorry for that. But I still stand by my statement that there are a LOT of pretentious people out there that make American preps look bad. That's all i was saying. Have a nice day! And have fun at andover ! (oh did you hear an andover rower won gold in the olympics !! :) represent).</p>

<p>hahahah this is funny :]</p>

<p>Yeah, no. While this thread is funny, I must remind the high school students here that college students going to any and every college also ask about cell phone service. And justifiably so. I have friends at MIT (the middle of freaking Cambridge!) whose cell phones don't get service at all in their dorms. It's a big inconvenience. And I'm pretty sure people asking about cell service at Ohio State aren't doing it to rub their school of choice in anyone's face.</p>

<p>Also, I would say it's understandable for people to want to know what to wear at their new school - or at least to want to know what everyone else wears. I'm not sure if any of you have gotten the memo, but high schoolers can be mean. It's nice to know what you're getting into with a new school/culture.</p>

<p>It's sort of pretentious in itself to be like, "Don't ask questions. Just figure it out. It's not a big deal." To a lot of students, it IS a big deal. A bigger deal than most of you seem to be able to understand. What seems frivolous to you could be a genuine worry to someone else.</p>

<p>And no. I never went to a prep school. I wish I could have, but I didn't, so. It's just I'm sick of people not being allowed to speak of their elite institutions of education. Like the whole debate over whether or not people at Harvard are somehow "bragging" by wearing Harvard hoodies. My answer: No. Someone's school pride should be regarded in the same way if they go to Brown Mackie Community College in Ohio or Yale. In the same way, someone's nerves and questions should be regarded respectfully whether or not Exeter is where they're headed.</p>