<p>So, looking back over my application, I saw that I made a slight error. On the commonapp part, where it asks you to list any part of your secondary schooling that happened out of the country, I put a Spanish school I attended in Guatemala summer before ninth grade, deciding that summer before ninth grade (plus the fact that it was a high school course) counted the class as in secondary school. However, on the Yale supplement it asks you to put any schooling that took place outside of the country PRIOR to secondary school. I guess I absentmindedly just put the class i took in Guatemala again. Is this a huge mistake and will they get mad at me for being dumb?</p>
<p>Of course not, they’re not tyrants! I turned in my application a few minutes past the East Coast Early Action deadline, but I contacted them and they said they would consider it EA. Why don’t you try emailing them if it bothers you?</p>
<p>D just e-mailed them yesterday because we noticed a typo. She wrote them telling them of the error and how it should be corrected. There has not yet been any acknowledgment but we are not really expecting one. I am sure that admissions has better things to do.</p>
<p>haha thanks for your feedback. I just reread my post and I sound some some crazy nutcase. Applying to college is making me insane.</p>
<p>oh shoot, I totally looked over the part where you put the schools you attended outside the country you’re at now. I was only gone for a year and half… Should I send an email to the regional rep or just leave it as it is? I don’t think it’ll play any part at all but you never know I guess…</p>
<p>You are not very clear about the mistake that you made. But in general, if you made an error I would correct it.</p>
<p>Whoops. I meant I forgot to put in the Yale Supplement that I attended a school in a different country for a year and a half during middle school. I completely looked it over because it wasn’t a “required” part where CommonApp puts a little yellow dot next to it.</p>
<p>Is it worth getting fixed? :/</p>
<p>Two things to consider 1) The correcting of the information and therefore submitting an accurate application 2) Highlighting that you rushed through the application. The fact that you skipped over it because it “did not have a yellow dot” is a different type of error. Did you not do the “print pre-view” before submitting and read your application? I don’t mean to lecture but I am going to pretend that you are my kid and say “please learn by this mistake for the future”. Always re-read documents that you are signing.</p>
<p>Now, if you feel that there is ANY way that (through GC statement or recommendations) this omission will be highlighted then I don’t think that you have a choice. Otherwise it is up to you. Adding it will make your application correct and that would probably be what I would advise D to do given that at the end of the application you are signing and affirming the accuracy of the content. This is why D e-mailed to correct her date. Yes, it highlighted her error but at least it shows her responsibility for correcting it herself.</p>
<p>Good luck. I am sure that Yale (and other colleges) get corrections all the time.</p>
<p>You’re right, smoda, it’s DEFINITELY a lesson to learn from. It just sucks that it’s the Yale one that I made the mistake on haha. I did print preview but I think I rushed due to the adrenaline rush of just actually finishing THE Yale supplement. Eh.</p>
<p>I do mention my change in country during my essays, so it looks like I’ll have to send in a correction. Do I send it to my regional rep or is there another email I should send this to?</p>
<p>And while we’re on that, should I send in a correction for my essays? In my Yale supplement, there’s a mistake of not erasing a word, so it’s like two verbs next to each other when one should have been omitted. Sadly, I actually did proofread this one and have NO idea how I missed that silly mistake. And there’s a formatting issue involving an indent where there shouldn’t be on the commonapp essay which I was sure didn’t exist, but now it does. Argh.</p>
<p>I’ve fixed it all for the second version of the CommonApp. Just sucks that it had to be the Yale one that I made the mistakes on :/</p>
<p>D’s correction was sent to the regional rep. I assume that our doing that was correct. While you are at it, do not forget the instructions from your letter telling you to include your student ID, name and school name at the top of your letter.</p>
<p>As for the double verb and indentation, I really have mixed feelings about bringing attention to it while correcting it could be good and formatting problems are common on the applications due to upload problems. MB your GC can give your feedback on corrections like those.</p>
<p>Thanks so much! I’ll email him right now Just got the Eli ID letter yesterday so I can do that too. :)</p>