Did I make it into Committee?????

<p>Hey, </p>

<p>I hope this isn't too pathetic a post but like the rest of you I am FREAKING out about tomorrow- so I just thought I should see if what I have been counting on as a positive sign is in fact positive or means absolutely nothing (which I think it will)! So basically I got the results of my mock IB exams on the 15th March and asked to have them sent to all my colleges (about 12). Only Yale (and Harvard) replied in the affirmative all the rest saying that they had enough information to make a decision. Does this mean I am in committee and they want some more evidence of my .....brilliance :) ...? I thought this as they would surely have finished reviewing my file by then and decided whether yes in or out.. or am I completely missing the mark? </p>

<p>Thank you!</p>

<p>anyone willing to share their thoughts ?</p>

<p>yea man, that is intense. no idea, but if so, congrats. if not, congrats (i mean, you still got good scores on your tests, eh?).</p>

<p>hmm thank you :slight_smile: They were all 7’s so thats why I hope the my admission officer was trying to argue my case in the committee !!</p>