Did i screw up my essay??

<p>Hey guys, i think i may have gotten a 0 on the essay. i read a post by "academichackers" that is supposed to teach us how to write a good essay, and she/he said that "padding" results in a 0! I'm guessing padding means including irrelevant information. Well i feel i did just that! Basically i had two examples (my position was on both sides: we should listen to older ppl and younger ppl) : my sister and her internship at a lawfirm in mexico with a guy much older than her that taught her how to win a case; and how a toddler, with its genuine care and affection, kept its brother from killing himself! I took like 3 sentences on each to "introduce" the scenarios and another two sentences to relate the scenario to the prompt. am i screwed? :(</p>

<p>im already mentally ready for a 0 so don't try to be nice and tell me "it's all right boo" unless you really feel that way lol.</p>


<p>An accurate thesis means a score higher than 2.</p>

<p>That said, people with irrelevant (but well threaded) examples have recieved 10-12’s. </p>

<p>To get a 0, you must be so off topic that even the most stretched connection is impossible.</p>