Did I screw up my scheduling?

<p>I haven't really given myself much of a break between classes..</p>

<p>It goes from 11:35 (math 140) in leacock to chem in leacock to latin at 688 Sherbrooke and then back to leacock for physics till 3:35...</p>

<p>I didnt think it was too bad, but my university friends say it would be pretty rough...</p>


<p>Hmmm… you do eat, no? It doesn’t sound like you’ll have much of a break for lunch.</p>

<p>It’s strange that you would have so many classes on M/W/F. You should go to registersmart.org and see if you can reschedule some of the classes for T/R.
(Unless you have all these classes T/R; then, go to registersmart.org and see if you can reschedule some of the classes for M/W/F.)</p>

<p>I don’t really think it’s that bad. Last semester I had class MWF with no breaks from 12:35-5:25. It was no problem at all. If you want to make sure you wont be hungry just bring something along to eat or buy something before going into one of your classes. If ur in rez u can get a sac lunch from your cafeteria.</p>

<p>Well my schedule has changed a whole bunch since i last posted…But a new dilemma! I just signed up for the FYS on psychiatry, but now my math tutorial conflicts in both semesters. Everything else is fine, but the only tutorials that work are now full. Can I just leave this till school starts?</p>

<p>Probably. There used to be tons of tutorial hours for MATH 140-141 to choose from, though they apparently changed that recently. Anyway, you may be allowed to register in one tutorial section and attend another (hopefully they haven’t changed that), though this sometimes causes issues when people flock from their own section to more conveniently timed ones (i.e. not enough seats available during quizzes).</p>