did i write an off-topic essay???

<p>after thinking about my response to the sat essay i just took today, and hearing what other people wrote, i fear what i thought was an amazing essay could be given zero points for being off-topic! </p>

<p>the question was: do individuals have an obligation to think seriously about important matters and make the appropriate desicion after analyzing both sides. </p>

<p>the little box thing before hand was basically about how people need to think seriously about matters even though the are uncomfortable to think about. </p>

<p>my essay was basically focusing on how ppl need to face uncomfortable things and think about them and come to conclusions about them (like global warming, etc.) but i didn't focus at all on that poeple have an obligation to, or that ppl need the right information and should analyze sides before coming to a conclusion... :(</p>

<p>will i get a zero?</p>

<p>“Off-topic” would be if the prompt is about obeying authority and you wrote about camels.</p>

<p>Obviously you made an effort to address the issue. You may not have been completely thorough or addressed all the aspects of the question, but you wrote something that was at least somewhat related to the topic. You will not get a perfect score, but I don’t think you’ll get a zero.</p>

<p>Good luck!</p>

<p>do people get different essays? I got one about Limitations so I wrote about drunk driving, drug addictions, and sports.</p>

<p>Collegeboard does release more then one essay.</p>

<p>EDIT: I also got the limitations one.</p>

<p>i took it today. sunday. </p>

<p>u probally took the saturday test. all saturday sat’s are the same, and all sunday sat’s are the same.</p>