<p>after thinking about my response to the sat essay i just took today, and hearing what other people wrote, i fear what i thought was an amazing essay could be given zero points for being off-topic! </p>
<p>the question was: do individuals have an obligation to think seriously about important matters and make the appropriate desicion after analyzing both sides. </p>
<p>the little box thing before hand was basically about how people need to think seriously about matters even though the are uncomfortable to think about. </p>
<p>my essay was basically focusing on how ppl need to face uncomfortable things and think about them and come to conclusions about them (like global warming, etc.) but i didn't focus at all on that poeple have an obligation to, or that ppl need the right information and should analyze sides before coming to a conclusion... :(</p>
<p>will i get a zero?</p>