<p>Hey I was wondering if anyone has heard of anything similar to the predicament in which I find myself: today I looked up my scores for the June SAT I and found that while I had gotten an 80 out of 80 on the multiple choice for the Writing portion I received a zero for my essay. I called the College Board people and was told that since I wrote in pen it would take an additional three weeks to grade my essay. However, the lady I talked to did not seem entirely certain and I don't completely trust her. Why would they even post my score if it wasn't complete? And yet, I am almost positive that my essay was on topic (I looked up the question on-line just to make sure).</p>
<p>you have nothing to worry about. i have heard of many people who wrote in pen on the march and may tests. it will take some extra time, but your essay will be graded correctly and you wont be penalized for writing in pen. the reason why it has to take extra time is because apparently when they scan in essays with pen, it just comes out as mush on the screen, so the regular graders cannot read it.</p>
<p>you should not have written in pen, though!!</p>
<p>Thanks a lot guys. I received an e-mail from the college board confirming that my essay (which was written in pen) would be re-scored. I just can't remember seeing anything in the directions about writing the essay in pencil. Oh well.</p>
<p>My friend wrote in pen and he didn't get his score until two months later!!! That was the March exam though and the regular release date was April 11th.</p>