Did you buy your UW Football student season tickets this morning?

<p><a href="http://www.uwbadgers.com/%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://www.uwbadgers.com/&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>7:30 a.m. Central time</p>

<p>Wonder how fast they will sell out this year!</p>

<p>Sold out in around 40 minutes right when I was at the order page. ■■■</p>

<p>just woke up so damn early for this bs… ***</p>

<p>Agreed - it was an extremely frustrating process resulting in 1 1/2 hours of waiting and no tickets. All this while trying to get out the door to the airport.</p>

<p>I woke up at 5:15 California time and got my tickets by 5:40.</p>

<p>I woke up at 6:15 and was on the “Please Wait…go badgers” page by 6:30. no tickets for me. a friend logged on at 7:45 and got his right away</p>

<p>I got mine, people are already selling the tickets for double the face value. It sucks that people buy them just to sell them to students for a higher price.</p>

<p>We gave it the old college try, logged in by 6:30AM CST, finally got to the buy tickets screen by 8:25am and then saw the “processing your order” message only to get the no tickets available message. </p>

<p>Some early season, unexpected Badger losses might keep the resale prices down this year. Last season’s success will be hard to duplicate and preseason expectations are very high.</p>

<p>I got mine at 8 am on the dot, so I guess I was lucky. The web team that handles the athletics sites needs to be update the waiting page to at least be more explicit in what’s going on. It’s unclear if people are being put in a first come first serve queue or if people are just getting randomly picked. It looks like the latter, which is unfair and frustrating.</p>

<p>The best solution would to be move to a clear queue system that shows your spot in line. This could be done by using each person’s IP address. It might be something that would take some time to develop but it wouldn’t be something that would unreasonably difficult.</p>

<p>Some wag on the Badger football board wrote</p>

<p>“How many are up on ebay already? The usual ~4,000??”</p>

<p>I got up at 7:30am and got mine at 8:07am</p>