<p>I did!</p>
<p>Check your emails. =)</p>
<p>I did!</p>
<p>Check your emails. =)</p>
thw worst result possible…</p>
<p>deffered =((((((((</p>
<p>i remember i was very happy when i saw “we don’t defer ED application” on NU’s viewbook…</p>
<p>my email subject says : Northwestern Application - Status Update. i have yet to open it…scared. To whom got accepted: is your email like this?</p>
<p>Rejected. It’s ok, I guess. I’ll post my stats later.</p>
<p>there are no defers… are there?
i got rejected.
i think im gona go drown myself in pity and food…</p>
<p>o and bristolway.
that was the heading of my rejection email…
sorry i dont think its a good thing</p>
<p>bristolway- i think all the emails have that subject line, i got accepted and mine said that</p>
<p>Accepted to SESP!</p>
<p>When I woke up this morning I saw the email and was like oh **** but opened it and was accepted to Northwestern University for the class of 2013. Weinberg College of Arts and Sciences. </p>
<p>Congrats to all others who got in. </p>
<p>I’m sorry for those of you that didn’t</p>
<p>I got in too</p>
<p>I don’t even know what to do.</p>
<p>Yes for me. Bienen and Weinburg.
So, who’s going to start that Facebook group?</p>
<p>ep1th3t, I tried to reply to your message, but it said you inbox was full.</p>
<p>Ooh, I cleared it.
Try again??</p>
<p>ahhh i still dont have an email. i definitely should not have used my school account lol</p>
<p>Accepted to WCAS!</p>
<p>I saw my email and freaked before I clicked the link…</p>
<p>bank1019: Accepted. :)</p>
<p>And resumed freaking out lol.</p>
<p>Definately didn’t think I’d get in…</p>