Did you guys get your parking permit yet?!

<p>I read on the parking site that they will mail out permits July 29th and I have yet to receive mine. I know ground mail from L.A. takes 2 days to where I live, so I'm just wondering if anyone else got theirs for this wave?</p>

<p>got mine a while ago, ordered it through the Permit Storeā€¦ended up @ the Parking Center (doh~) and forgot to call on the 18th...better than meters though -.-</p>

<p>I got mine a long time ago....</p>

<p>I've got the same problem. I ordered mine July 27 and still haven't received it and I live only an hour away from usc.</p>

<p>just got mine today after much hassle at the post office. PSA baby :)</p>