<p>I'm a Yale Daily News reporter writing an article on the recent push for diversity with the Yale Tour Guides and I'm looking for the opinions of applicants to Yale.</p>
<p>Did you take a tour? How important is the background of your tour guide in your image of a college's student body? Do you want to be quoted in the YDN Friday?</p>
<p>i did take Yale tour this summer. this seems like a cool article. i apologize - i don't ant to be quoted and I'm leaving out some details for privacy issues. i don't want my parents, and classmates to figure out my username.</p>
<p>ok -
my tour giude was not caucasian.
she was involved in Yale's (insert small country) Organization.
I am involved in my hometown's (same small country) Community - so her insight was extremely valuable and exciting.</p>
<p>I wouldn't say this tour guide changed my impression of Yale's student body, but her being the same ethnicity/nationality as me was a very cool coincidence. I was on a long circuit if east coast schools (Harvard, BC, Duke, UNC, UVA, Dartmouth, Amherst etc.) and the tour giude's enthusiasm for the Organization and ethnic activities on campus are what made Yale stick out to me from all of the clearly stellar institutions I was able to tour.</p>