<p>Hi everyone, what is the difference between them? Which Universities are good for both of them in CA? How will be my future after finishing one of them? What is the Min Salary? I hope you people can help me. I'm kind of stressed between choosing Business or Economics. I'm good in Math and have 0 knowledge about Econ and Business. I'm currently in college and want to transfer to a University of California (Berkeley, Los Angeles, Irvine, Santa Barbara, and San Diego). Thanks...</p>
<p>I would choose Berkeley for business first, Berkeley for Econ second, then UCLA for Biz Economics, UCSD for Econ (don’t know if they have biz econ) and last would be UCI business.</p>
<p>Actually non Haas Berkeley and UCLA are a tie that should be broken by whether you want to live in NorCal or SoCal after graduating.</p>