difference between the two school papers?

<p>I am for sure attending Madison next year, and I am wondering what the difference between the Daily Cardinal and the Badger Herald is. Is one more prestigious/fun/etc? I intend to be very involved in student media while I attend!</p>

<p>i heard one was liberal and the other conservative, but I forget which is which.</p>

<p>Daily Cardinal is the original and more liberal. BH used to be conservative but it now more average. BH gets more respect and seems better run with more ads. You can read both online.</p>

<p>ok gotcha. i looked at both of the websites and was having trouble telling what the perception of them would be on campus
i am visiting this weekend though so i will ask around more!</p>

<p>Politically I don't see much difference between the two. The BH is the larger and the better newspaper; more articles; more columns.</p>