<p>I’ve never heard of companies (especially big ones like Disney) contacting people to offer them positions, least of all on LinkedIn, the facebook of the corporate world. Sounds like jobs wuld fall from the sky if this were the case. In any event, congrats sumzup!</p>
<p>sumzup must have something on his/her LinkedIn profile that’s special and specifically of interest to Disney. It’s definitely not a typical thing that I’ve seen myself either. There are plenty of excellent software engineering majors out there, so there’s no other reason Disney would spend the resources looking for entry-level employees.</p>
<p>I just looked at the message they sent me and it appears that they contacted me because of my internship at Amazon and because I had Java experience (both of these were specifically mentioned). So there’s that.</p>
<p>I should probably reach out to them now that I’m actually looking for full-time positions.</p>