Difficulty of math classes at TAMU

<p>I will be applying for transfer to TAMU for Fall 2014. My transfer advisor highly recommended that I take the math courses here at my current cc before transferring to TAMU. I had to take Finite Math (which is kicking my butt; luckily I got a 90 my 1st exam!) and another math which I can skip by taking a philosophy class in lieu of that 2nd math class. In a class of twelve, a whopping 8 students (maybe more for all I know) are TAMU students. Are the math classes that difficult at TAMU? I also noticed that at UT Austin, for a liberal arts major (I'm a history major) they only require one math as opposed to TAMU's 2 math classes. Anyways, I'm just curious as to why so many of the students are taking down here.</p>

<p>My D really struggled with calculus last fall. She really wishes she would have waited and taken it at Jr College and transferred it in. So much of it depends on what teacher you get.</p>