Difficulty posting…especially messages

Why do I get this at least 75% of the time when trying to send a message?

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Can you let me know if you experience the same issues today?

It didn’t happen just now. I’m hoping other members will chime in if they are experiencing the same issue. I can’t imagine it’s just me. And it’s intermittent.

It’s not just you. I’ve had it happen off and on the last several days, but not today

I am trying to access of class-of-XXXX forums and they are not loading. Content is not loading on many pages.

I’ve been having trouble this week too. I’ve had to reload the site a number of times.

I’m getting the 502 error a lot the past two days.

I got a 502 error just now

Happening multiple times for me today. It errors but keeps my message window open as if it hasn’t been posted. When I check the thread, my messaged had been posted so I need to cancel/delete the message window that is still open.

Also, my blue unread thread notifications aren’t being updated after I read a thread. This is happening both in the “suggested thread” section at the bottom as well as in the “unread” section in the menu.

Getting the error message every few minutes now.

For me too

I’ve elevated the problem to our admins. And I’ve also seen this error myself. I’ll update when I have more information to share.


I got the 502 error just now as well.

Me too again.

And for the record…this was a draft saved from this morning when it wouldn’t post…At All. Got the 502 error.

I get the 502 message too.
Other times it just wouldn’t post.

Or both!

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We’ve rebooted to our failover system, which resolved the immediate problem. We’re also working on a long term solution as we mentioned in our June update.

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Posting here as a test - tried to post new thread and it appears to have gone into the ether…

Attempt # 5?

For the last hour or so, I’ve been getting the 502 error again. I just was able to post again so posted all my saved drafts…and hoping this posts.

@CC_Mike @CC_Jon

Same here