Difficulty posting…especially messages

Meeting with the team now to see what’s going on. I’ll update when I know more.



We’ve found a short-term solution the problem that should minimize and possibly end the problem. Essentially we’re proactively rebooting our system to avoid problems before they occur. Please let us know if you see any other issues. (We are especially interested in reports of error numbers that start with 5 such as 500, 502 and 503 errors.)

Meanwhile, we’re still planning to move to a new hosting service. This won’t necessarily eliminate all problems, of course, but the new host will result in a more reliable system overall.


My notifications aren’t working properly. After reading threads, I still am seeing the number for unread responses.


Same here. Also just got the 502 while reading.

I just got the 502 error message as well. And everything is super slow to load.

Hmmm… I’m getting a similar error trying to post. Thanks for the report.

No issues on my end, either with problems with posting or speed. Am accessing via a Chromebook.

It’s a problem on the server side. Thanks to the way the system works, it’s a bit of the luck of the draw whether you will experience it. Glad to know it’s not everyone! That would be especially bad.

And @CC_Jon I have had issues that I wanted to post to you as asked…but if I can’t post, I can’t post to you either. At one point, I had a bunch of saved drafts waiting to be sent about posting issues.

I got 502 error when trying to log on this morning. I closed the window and when I went back to log in again, I was already logged on.

Same thing happened this evening. 502 error, but this time, when I closed the window and reopened it, I was not logged on.

Got this earlier.

I’ve been getting 502 errors all evening and not able to access the forums.

Same issues. I wasn’t able to access at all for part of the evening.

We will be working on this overnight! More to come soon.

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This morning…

Server not available
General slow performance

ETA: iPhone, latest version/update

No issues for me this morning. I use an iPad almost exclusively (if that matters) to access the website.

It’s much better for me today as well.
(Hope I didn’t just jinx myself!)

502 error is back

And when I read a post…it’s not being noted a read….still appears as new. This seems to happen concurrent with the 502 messages when I get them.

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And when I try to edit a post…I get the 502 AND my original post goes away.

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