Direct admit (nursing) in Colorado?

I have a junior in high school who is considering nursing as a major. We’ve been looking (online) at schools in Colorado. Are we missing something or are there really no direct-admit schools in Colorado? If anyone has any recommendations for someone who preferably would like to stay in state, we’d much appreciate any feedback on Colorado programs.

Are you looking for a BSN or AA program?

I am not sure what you are looking for. Denver school of nursing seems to offer both ways

Here is a link to numerous schools, you would have to click through each one to find their programs. There is nothing wrong with having to do your prereqs first then apply to numerous programs. You can still stay instate.

Thanks for the reply and links! We will look at them. My son is looking at BSN. Ultimately, his goal is continue on in a PA or NP program.

He and you should check how changing to a PA after a RN degree would work. PA’s are taught in the medical model of care while nurses are taught in the nursing model. Basic prereqs would transfer but other classes may not. Often nurses who want advanced practice get their NP or become Nurse anesthetists.

Thanks again so much for your reply! Yes, the plan is to have my son talk to some PA programs to see what they would recommend. He is going back an forth between nursing and PA. It seems like it is easier to figure out pathway to NP than it is to the PA program. It looks like the PA programs want quite a lot of hours of medical experience, and so my son was thinking that if he started as an RN he could work for couple of years to gain experience and the required hours. He is in his third year volunteering at a hospital, and while that would not count towards the hours they want to see, it has provided him with the opportunity to find out that he really does want to do something in the medical field.

I would also check the laws in different states. I don’t know if PA’s are allowed to work everywhere.

In general, I would be very suspicious of any for-profit online programs.

Here is a list of direct entry nursing programs. But, I’ve noticed that even though is not on this list, they might still admit freshmen with very good stats. I’m from Michigan and have noticed a few schools around here like that. You just Google the school name and then “nursing direct admit” or look in their admissions requirements.

Thanks for the link! It is a great list. I actually found the link a little bit ago and didn’t see any Colorado schools on there, nor did I find any doing a Google search or searches on school websites. I was hoping I missed something :slight_smile:

We are definitely not looking for a for-profit program. Right now, some non-direct admit schools we are considering are UCCS, Regis, UC Denver, CSU Pueblo, and Metro. Does anyone have experience with these? Also, my son most likely will be a National Merit semi-finalist (and, hopefully, finalist). Are there any programs within Colorado or not too far that might offer some scholarship opportunities?

UCDenver is a 2 + 2 for their Nursing program. They have info sessions. Very informative! See the link:

UCCS also has info sessions for their Nursing program:

UCDenver has a PA info session coming up in 2 day, January 27 and another in March.

Thanks so much! We will definitely check these out. Much appreciated!