
I’m a current senior at a high school in nj. Depending on the school I’ll be either applying for nursing or PA. But can anyone tell me schools with good nursing programs in
New Jersey
New York
I prefer big or medium schools but I’m open to anything

Do you want to limit yourself to direct entry?

Do you believe you have the grades or scores to get into the most competitive universities, or only moderately competitive ones?

Are you willing to consider rural, suburban and city schools?

There are a few universities that offers both a 5 year PA degree and direct entry BSN. These include DeSales University, south of Allentown PA, Duquesne in Pittsburgh, and Drexel in Phila. I don’t know how hard it would be to transfer from BSN to PA at the same university, or visa versa, if you change your mind.

Info on PA accreditation. As of last year, Misericordia was not accepting new PA students.

Probably just suburban and city schools and my grades are good but I personally don’t think I could get into extremely competitive schools @charliesch


At minimum, what’s your GPA and test scores? That will help people have a general idea so we can better suggest schools

Some Direct Entry RN choices in PA. include Penn State - University Park, Penn State - Altoona, York College of PA, West Chester U., Alvernia U, ;Bloomsburg U, , De Sales U., and Drexel,

There are very few direct entry programs in Maryland, or states to the south.

In NY, you could consider SUNY Plattsburgh’s direct entry program. My D’s best friend, also from NJ, attended as an OOS student and received a scholarship. She graduated from the nursing program and has worked consistently ever since. SUNY schools are pretty reasonably priced, even for OOS.

@c011e9e my gpa is around a 3.6 and as of right now my sat is an 1170 (new sat) , but I took another this October and I’m waiting on the score… I’m looking at Ramapo college, towson, temple university, umass amherst, stony brook, seton hall, Rutgers, tcnj, pace and st. john’s

You might want to look into the University of Delaware located in Newark, Delaware. If you live in the South Jersey area it actually takes less time to get there than Rutgers-NB. The freshman Nursing class usually is around 130-140 students with 2/3rds of them being from OOS (with the largest percentage of OOS students coming usually from NJ). UD is unique among all Flagship State Universities in that 2/3rds of the student body overall is from OOS. It has one of the most beautiful campuses on the East coast. It has an excellent Nursing Program, although it is pretty competitive for admission, but I think you would be competitive for admission with the stats you mentioned, especially if you can get your SAT score a bit higher. Best wishes in your admission’s quest.