Direct Nursing Admit Journey for a California A-/B+ Student

@ColoSky are you talking about the switch in the portal from “undeclared” to “nursing”? Because I thought I had noticed something change too, but I wasn’t quite sure.

Another update … D got deferred from Univ. of San Francisco for Nursing. They have requested her 1st semester grades and any updated scores. They will review her info. as a regular applicant (not early admission). Not sure if her chances are lost with USF now.

2 of her friends got accepted for USF BSN (not sure if they applied Early Decision)

@ColoSky If it changed from undeclared to Nursing you’re in! Go zags :slight_smile: Apparently they only accepted 80 out of 650 ish applicants last year for Nursing!

Thanks! Yes, it changed from undeclared to nursing.

@ColoSky @Nurse2017 When did you receive a portal logon for Gonzaga? My D reports that she got only the email acknowledging receiving her EA application. It read that she’d receive another email if there was anything missing from her application. The first email didn’t include any info about creating a portal.

Shortly after my S submitted his app, they sent an email entitled “Gonzaga University ID Number” In the email it talked about how to connect to zagweb and check the application status.

@theally1 Thank you very much for sharing your daughter’s final decision. Glad to know she loves UP. I am considering UP too. I am worried that UP is over-religious. After read your post, I feel better now. I will make a visit to UP next spring. May I ask you two questions regards UP’s nursing program?

  1. How many students get enrolled each year?
  2. Where do the nursing student do their clinical? How far from the campus?

Thank you very much!

@SFCA2018 I got deferred from USF too (EA). They requested the same things. I am very disappointed. I though USF would be a match. I guess we still have chances. Good luck to your D!

Pay attention to whether high college grades (higher than C) or GPA (higher than 2.0) are needed to remain in the nursing program.

thanks for that info @ColoSky , D contacted Gonzaga today and received the email to set up her portal. It shows her undeclared has switched to Nursing.

awesome! :slight_smile:

Does anyone know when Gonzaga is going to send out their admission decisions?

@Max3721 Definitely go to the weekend on the bluff for admitted students at UP. That definitely clinched it for my daughter, Also she met her roommate there and decided to room together.
I think each class is close to 200 students. Clinical are around portland, but may be as far as an hour away. There are several nursing schools in the area and they get together to assure all their students have the necessary spots. Please note that one of the clinical semesters is in the summer between junior and senior year. It is only a fraction of the usual semester cost, but their scholarship does not cover it. So, include in budget.

Thanks a lot for the information. Happy holidays!

Thought I would add an update (see my daughter’s stats a couple pages back) to help others:

Gonzaga - Rejected
University San Francisco - Deferred
Seattle University - Deferred
Univ. Portland - Accepted with scholarship

Her 12th grade grades have bumped up, she sent an updated transcript and has been following up with the suggested interviews.

Will post the final results as they come in.

My daughter applied to most of the same schools as yours, @SFCA2018. Here’s where she stands right now, with a 3.7 unweighted GPA and 30 ACT:

Pacific Lutheran - accepted with merit scholarship
University of Portland - accepted with merit scholarship
Gonzaga - rejected
Seattle University - accepted with merit scholarship
San Diego State - still waiting but with her stats, it’s a reach.

My daughter’s really excited about her choices. We don’t have a final financial aid letter from Seattle U yet (just the merit scholarship) but Pacific Lutheran was incredibly generous, enough to bring the cost in line with our local in-state school. She was placed in the Spring nursing class, so it will take 4.5 years to finish at PLU, but it’s still looking more affordable than the alternatives. Other than San Diego, we haven’t toured any of the schools, but we’ve got a trip to Seattle booked in March.

Good luck to everyone - we’re almost done!

I think interviewing In the differed colleges that you are still interested in is a great idea. It’s that whole “showing interest thing” that all college coaches are talking about. With the common app, it is so easy to apply, that smaller less known places do not trust the applicants interest. We interviewed everywhere at the get go, if they offered interviews during pre application visits. I think this really helps and at places like Gonzaga, they are upfront that it is highly recommended.
In any case, it sounds like everyone has some definite acceptances with merit and choices already. Fantastic! Best of luck and please let us all know where you’ll end up!

In the case of Gonzaga, I don’t think it is because they necessarily do not trust the applicants, but rather it is because of the size of the nursing program. Interviews surely cannot hurt, and any prospective students may have one, but on the website it is emphasized that it is only highly recommended for students who have under a 1150 SAT or UW GPA of at or below 3.2. GU nursing is a small program, they don’t accept any internal/external transfers, and it is even encouraged that anyone interested in it apply by the early action deadline. The popularity of the nursing major, plus the fact that Gonzaga offers a direct entry program, and the small size of the nursing class is bound to result in a lower acceptance rate than at some other schools.

Congratulations to everyone on their achievements thus far and good luck to you all on the rest of this college decision journey :slight_smile:

SFCA2018 I am curious about your D’s 2 friends that were accepted EA to USF- Do you know their stats? My D was deferred to USF. She was shocked & very sad. She did the interview and submitted her Sr 1st semester grades. The interviewer told her the only students that got EA were those that had accomplished something way beyond -most students were deferred or denied. So curious if these students had done something major already with their lives?! The competition in Nursing gets more and more intense each year.

Hi babyangelsmama, We actually don’t know what they all did differently (what test scores, involvement, grades, etc.). I can only speculate that both had better science grades, perhaps stronger essays, and high ACT scores … my daughter’s science grades had been ok (B+/A-) … she submitted SAT scores because her ACT was lousy in the science area. It wasn’t until some maturity caught up and her volunteer position at one of the major hospitals last summer that she started to have this strong interest in nursing. Her friend’s dream since middle school had been to attend USF for nursing … so, very happy for her.

What were your D stats?

Best wishes!