help me find schools to apply to! thank you!! :)

Hi everyone!

I’m going to be a senior in the fall and applying to schools. I plan to major in nursing. I have been researching schools but there are just so many and I’m kind of lost. I heard that nursing majors are more competitive. I was hoping you could give me a list of schools I should check out that would fit my stats. I’m from California, so I would like to have a few schools on the West coast, but otherwise, I’m pretty open. I would also be interested in schools that give good merit aid (please specify which schools).


GPA: 4.1/4.25 (I’m an IB diploma candidate)
SAT: 1990 - 690 math, 670 reading, 630 writing
EC: volunteering at animal shelter, hospital, art classes; violin; school newspaper

Thank you!!

Direct admit programs in California:
University of San Francisco- Probably a Match
UC Irvine- Probably a Slight Reach
UCLA- Probably a Reach
SDSU- Probably a Match to High Match (better chances if local)
CSU Fullerton- Match
Azusa Pacific- Match

It would help to get your SAT score up a bit to be more competitive for UCLA/UCI. With all the direct admit programs having less than 5 % acceptance rates, it is best to apply to several schools.

With the rest of the CSU’s that have the 2+2 programs, you should no problem with getting an acceptance although all are impacted.

Also look at Arizona State Direct admit and Gonzaga.

Most California nursing schools are public, so you’ll need to calculate your UC GPA:

In regards to other nursing schools, Seattle U has a great program.

Thank you @Gumbymom for the list! I’ll check out all those schools. I’m hoping for USF with some sort of scholarship. Do you know where I could find information on the admission specifics (like acceptance rate, etc.) for nursing programs specifically? It seems that nursing is so much more difficult to get into compared to other majors.

Thank you @uclahopefull ! I’ll check out Seattle U!