<p>For both Exeter and Andover I had an off campus interview. How seriously will this hurt my chances?</p>
<p>It won’t. The school literature specifically states that an off-campus or alumni interview is evaluated in exactly the same way as an on-campus interview.</p>
<p>Cool. The reason I was wondering was for these schools I showed an interest in certain school subjects and everyone seems bloated with these “letters from school” and I really have not gotten any. </p>
<p>I am still “friends” with my interviewers and chat with them but I really have not received anything from these schools. Hopefully they do not think I am a passionless kid.</p>
<p>Nah, you’re probably fine.</p>
<p>On a side note have you received anything from Andover or Exeter?</p>
<p>This is my own theory… I think it is a mixed blessing. If you have a sub par interview… The off campus interviewer can’t really tell… They only have around 3 interviews a year(That is how many my guy had done). If you have an AMAZING interview that just makes you blow out the 300 interviews that a normal adminission’s officer… They can’t really tell either.
They know, “Dang, that was really good.” But there isn’t a “This kid is just a beast.” rating that they can give. So let’s just say that you are the best interview in 10 years… The alumni can’t really get that information across effectively. If you interview with an admissions officer, guess what? You just got an advocate on your side. You have someone that will go up to their boss and say, “Dear god, this kid was almost intimidating. He looked me in the eyes, shook my hand and then made me laugh. I really liked this kid, he has a good head on his shoulders and seems like a great addition.”</p>
<p>That’s a good way of looking at it, thanks. I can say that I “blew” the people with whom I interviewed away… I guess that’s a plus, and you are right it is much more difficult blowing a admissions officer away. </p>
<p>With one of my interviewers I was the first off campus interview she held so I do not know if that holds a positive or negative impact but she seemed happy. I think the best part with off campus interviews is that I can connect a lot more, however great the admissions officers are they have seen so much and they will be a lot easier to tire etc. </p>
<p>Thanks for the help :)</p>
<p>One important part of an interview is seeing if the school is a right “fit” for you.
Last year I applied to schools and had off campus interviews.
This year, I had on campus interviews –> Most of my impressions about the schools that I applied to last year changed.
So although it may not affect your admission much, you should probably go to the revisit days; you don’t want to be going to a school that you know you’ll hate when you get there.
<p>The disadvantage I would think is how much they think you want Exeter. People from China and Korea go for on campus interviews whereas I, living in the continental US, was unable to go. I guess that is a downside but I am sure I can prove to them that I NEED them in other ways.</p>
<p>I had mine for andover in the middle of the busiest mall in atlanta. I did good…just didn’t feel as important as the others. I blew away 2 of my interviewers that both helf high positions. But with off-campus interviews they don’t hold high positions, admissions commitee can look at what was written about you. But no ones there to stand up for you. There’s no one in the room that feels like they personally know you, which you would get if you had a great interview on campus.</p>
<p>So ya I agree with italian.</p>
<p>One of my interviewers said she called the director of admissions and talked to them about me. A little better than a written sheet I guess. But yes, I did feel like you.</p>