<p>I got a 33 composite on my ACT. I'm very happy with this--35 on English and reading, 32 on math, 31 on science--and am by no means planning on retaking the test. The odd thing is that, in comparison to my score on the ACT, I did awful on the SAT: 1330/2000. I'm not necessarily unhappy with this score, but I'm fairly sure I can do better (as I fell asleep during the test...). This brings up a couple of questions, though: given my performance on the ACT, is it worth my while to retake the SATs? Will colleges be weirded out by the seemingly big difference in scores if I don't? I figure it's at least good to try, but I would like some advice.</p>
<p>Some of the more competitive schools I'm looking to apply to are Georgetown, Columbia, and NYU. From what I can tell my ACT score puts me in pretty good standing at all these places (though Georgetown and Columbia are much farther out of my reach than NYU, for sure, and probably always will be) while my SAT... well, does not.</p>
<p>Another thing--unrelated, but still. I've done much worse than anticipated on the writing sections of both tests: 31 on ACT, 670 on SAT, with a score of 8 on both the essays. Having read over my SAT essay now I realize that it was complete crap (I'm surprised it didn't get ripped in half, I was so condescending) but I felt like my work on the ACT was really, really good. The feedback I got was that "your essay adequately supported general statements with specific reasons, examples, and details. The organization of your essay was adequate, but the rigid structure seemed to limit discussion." I'm pretty disappointed as I consider writing one of my strongest abilities. Anyone else in the same boat here? I need somebody with which to empathize.</p>