Disney Internship

<p>I am currently a student at the University of Florida thinking about doing the Disney College Program. I am a first-year student but because I came to UF with so many credits, from AP courses, I am considered a sophomore credit wise. Therefore, I am set to graduate in 1 semester and 2 years! Needless to say, I definitely have the time to take a semester off, because I'll already be graduating ahead of my class. I would really like to do the college program but am unsure. I am from Orlando and grew up going to Disney about 5 times a year or more. My high school choir performed there every year and I got lots of free tickets. My boyfriend currently works there and my parents met working there 19 years ago! So, I have a lot of ties to Disney. I know that the college program can be beneficial, but I am wondering if I should just get a summer job there instead and go seasonal during the school year? I live about 40 minutes from the parks and UF is a 2 hour drive away. </p>

<p>Should I just get a job or do the internship?</p>

<p>Also, I am Art History major, with minors in theater and business administration. My goal is to do graduate study in Arts Administration. However, I could see myself having a career at Disney after I graduate.</p>

<p>You should check out disboard.com–>The College Board. There’s tons of people on there interested in doing the college program/who have already done it. They’ll answer any question you may need!
[The</a> College Board - The DIS Discussion Forums - DISboards.com](<a href=“http://www.disboards.com/forumdisplay.php?f=90]The”>http://www.disboards.com/forumdisplay.php?f=90)</p>



<p>One of my career counselors worked at disney for over 20 years. Started out on the main floor and worked his way up through the management chain to a low level excutive position and said, “It is one of the best companies to work for.” Partly because he said their pension fund is not at stake and there’s a high likelihood that it won’t be for anyone. But who knows in another 20 years.</p>

<p>That’s just his comments on the firm.</p>

<p>As for mine, i’d say get the internship. Experience matters and it’ll open doors to other internships that could pay more. I’d also recommend going with the above comments. As of right now, my career counselors don’t have any executive/management experience. How pathetic is that? At a school like UCLA, there are “career” counselors who have “counseling” degrees rather than real world private industry experience.</p>

<p>Its like trying to learn economics from an english teacher. But I digress</p>

<p>Thanks you mellonmindy 23 for your referral! Also, thank you JPNguyen I’m sorry you feel that way about you counselors, I had never thought about it like that but it makes sense. I saw a career counselor at UF for a while and she was graduate student who had her undergraduate degree in Psychology, she was nonetheless helpful but like you said she had no real world experience. </p>

<p>I appreciate the time you guys took to reply!</p>

<p>That forum is great! Thanks again!</p>

<p>Do the internship. Most internships are a little more structured and you will have the opportunity to meet and network with executive level personnel.</p>

<p>Working at Disney and your experience really depends on your department. I interned there during the summer and it was a mixed experience. I got exposed to things I wanted, but my department lacked structure. I felt I could have learned a lot more. I knew some interns at other departments and while their department wasn’t as bad as mine, their experience did not sound all that ideal. The other interns were fine with it though. You know at the end of the day, if you are disappointed with your experience, you still get a good name on your resume. I’m always asked about my experience at Disney during interviews. </p>

<p>There are some things that I didn’t like about the company such as being a “matrix” company. That’s what the people there coined the company, but basically you cant move up unless you apply to another position in Disney. I saw this in my department. People get stuck in the same job unless someone quits.</p>