District 9>Avatar

<p>I think she’s quite edgy. A lot prettier than these flawless, boring American-pie looking girls.</p>

<p>And I loved Adventureland and Into the Wild with her in it.</p>

<p>she does look a little grimy. her hair always looks greasy to me.</p>

<p>The only movie I liked with her in it was Speak. Everyone else seems to hate this movie, but I thought she was quite good in it.</p>

<p>I wish they’d hurry up and release the remake of Alice in Wonderland. I was slightly miffed when they decided, a long time ago, not to do the movie based on the old computer game Alice, which – I don’t know if anyone remembers it – but it was a twisted, dark, kind of psychotic version.</p>

<p>Into the Wild is great, but not because of her (though she was fine!).</p>

<p>Um…flawless=bad? I think you are confusing flawless with plain. </p>

<p>As a guy, IDK…she’s not that hot…</p>

<p>lol that sounds right up your ally, platts.</p>

<p>do you mean the book speak by laurie something? there’s a movie based on it?</p>

<p>[Amazon.com:</a> Speak: Kristen Stewart, Michael Angarano, Robert John Burke, Hallee Hirsh, Eric Lively, Leslie Lyles, Elizabeth Perkins, Allison Siko, D.B. Sweeney, Steve Zahn, Dick Hagerman, Remy Brommer, Grace Ameter, Tyanna Rolley, Kimberly Kish, Mega](<a href=“http://www.amazon.com/Speak-Kristen-Stewart/dp/B000A7Q2I2/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=dvd&qid=1264470736&sr=1-1]Amazon.com:”>http://www.amazon.com/Speak-Kristen-Stewart/dp/B000A7Q2I2/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=dvd&qid=1264470736&sr=1-1)</p>

<p>Maybe I like her because my hair looks pretty much like hers. :P</p>

<p>No, flawless meaning that they don’t trip at huge award ceremonies. ;)</p>

<p>I liked Adventureland because of her and Jessie Eisenberg. I loved Into the Wild because of everything (she only had a small role so I couldn’t have liked it because of her).</p>

<p>^Most people don’t trip at awards ceremonies…haha. Is that a reference to her doing that? haha idk.</p>

<p>yeah love into the wild, and adventureland was pretty good…</p>

<p>Oh. I didn’t mean trip. I mean drop awards.</p>

<p>[YouTube</a> - Kristen Stewart drop her popcorn](<a href=“http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BNv1P_lrgzw]YouTube”>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BNv1P_lrgzw)</p>

<p>I think meadows was kidding about the whole Edward thing…?</p>

<p>As for Av and District 9, haven’t seen either but really want to :[ I went to see District 9 (with a ticket bought and everything), but my date had picked me up too late >.o</p>

<p>I don’t have too much against or for Kristen Stewart, but I do think her acting can be kind of… I wouldn’t say blah, but more of a “you look like you’re having a twitchy fit, not that you’re acting” kinda way. Then of course, I’m not an actress, so I can’t say too much ^^;</p>

<p>And isn’t the original Alice in Wonderland novel a lot darker than what it’s become today, thanks to Disney? (Much like any other Disney movie…although I can’t help but to prefer their ending to Little Mermaid, the original always seemed so morbid to me ;;). I would definitely rely on Tim Burton to bring it back to its’ roots, though.</p>

<p>LOL, as usual, the discussion has nothing to do with the OP. </p>

<p>I haven’t seen District 9, if it had even a half-way original story, it was better than Avatar. (Too many commas? Was the one after usual needed? IDK).</p>

<p>I would be surprised if, by page 3, the discussion was actually ON topic.</p>

<p>Metallika’s post is all over the place (in a good way!). </p>

<p>Haha, well…it seems like not too many people have seen both movies…</p>

<p>Hahah, sorry about that, I guess I just always enjoy adding my opinion to everything :p</p>

<p>Considering they would both probably be placed into a ‘science fiction’ category, too, the point you raise is pretty interesting, ChocolateBanana.</p>

<p>Avatar’s had me in my room screaming (The 2nd time seeing it, saw it in 3d first). OMG.! That movie was amazing beyond words. </p>

<p>So I disagree.</p>

<p>^I just didn’t think it was that amazing…Visually, it was awesome, yeah…but other than that, no.</p>

<p>And why were you screaming? That’s…interesting.</p>



<p>lmao. i think that’s just kristen’s personality. in every interview i’ve ever seen her in, she’s always got that weird twitchy, uncomfortable/awkward kind of thing going on.</p>

<p>i read the original alice and didn’t seem that dark too me. maybe the mental images i got were off, but disney seemed pretty correct with it, though i would have preferred it without the singing.</p>

<p>the only main difference is if you read the book, alice is a complete moron in the book!</p>

<p>last year, my AP english teacher had us read one of the original versions of sleeping beauty and had to compare it against the disney movie. in the original copy she gave us to read…sleeping beauty was raped by the prince while she was sleeping. why the hell would disney make a kid’s movie based on that!?
i’ve heard that a lot of those old stories are like that. our teacher said it was supposed to have some moral to it. i guess…don’t fall asleep(???)</p>

<p>all i got out of it is that disney is a bunch of weirdos.
just look at what happens to all the disney stars. nickelodeon doesn’t seem to have this problem…</p>

<p>and sorry for all the rambling. i’m a little buzzed from some medicine i had to take for a headache.</p>

<p>lol. I know the screaming was a bit extreme (I dont mean actually screaming, just strange sounds lmao). But idk I love it alot.</p>



<p>I’ve heard about this. I’ve never actually read the originals but I’ve heard rumors that they’re really twisted.</p>