<p>Hah, so I've been to the movies like every week this summer. ^_^ What movie has been your favorite so far? I think District 9 was AMAZING...probably the most interesting sci-fi movie I've seen. But I'm gonna see H2 next week so hopefully that is as scary as it seems!</p>
<p>I haven’t been to the movies at all this summer:/</p>
<p>I still haven’t seen District 9! I haven’t seen any summer movies. I think I’ll try to go to see it Monday evening.</p>
<p>Uhm… this summer I have seen…</p>
<p>Transformers 2 – good one
G.I Joe – Beginning was terrible, it got better as it went along.
Harry Potter - Meh</p>
<p>I have a terrible memory, and I can’t remember the other movies I have seen this summer. </p>
<p>To be honest, I don’t even know what District- 9 is. I don’t watch TV, so I never see commercials for movies. The only way I know is through advertisements at theaters. </p>
<p>So, I just looked it up and by the preview it looks epic. I want to see it. lol.</p>
<p>Harry Potter 6
Angels and Demons.</p>
<p>Those are the only two I’ve seen, but I liked them both, so…</p>
<p>Wait-I saw Year One, too. But I didn’t like that.</p>
<p>^ What didn’t you like about Year One? I wanted to see that but…I have not managed to make it to any theater all summer.
Is it one of those slapstick crude comedies like Will Ferrell’s movies?</p>
<p>Yeah, it’s pretty slapstick. It wasn’t particularly funny, just a lot of people hitting other people and stuff like that.</p>
<p>500 days of summer
district 9
inglorious basterds (AMAZING)
harry potter 6
transformers 2
G.I. joe
the time traveler’s wife</p>
<p>Oh god I want to see inglorious basterds like really badly, lol. How was 500 days of summer xpaulinabearx?</p>
<p>Lol, inglorious basterds was the best…so epic
I loved 500 days of summer so much, that i watched it 3 times…lol
It was really cute. Great movie ;]</p>
<p>i agree with 500 days of summer - my all-time favorite</p>
<p>500 Days of Summer.</p>
<p>Harry Potter 6.</p>
<p>HP6 was great, Year One was immediately funny but ultimately stupid. I want to see Time Traveler’s Wife, 500 Days, and maybe Inglorious Basterds.</p>
<p>500 Days of Summer</p>
<p>District 9. Also saw HP6 (good), UP (good), and Funny People (okay). Want to see 500 Days of Summer and Inglorious Basterds.</p>
<p>Ponyo. </p>
<p>haha. Kidding. </p>
<p>District 9, HP6, 500 Days, and Inglorious Basterds.</p>
<p>Oh, wait, forgot. Still have to see UP and I’m so excited for Ponyo!</p>
<p>The Hangover
(500) Days of Summer</p>