Disturbing news from campus

<p>Thanks for that update, @bamagirls. Believe me, I’ve encouraged my student to stick to, and refer others to, the official news reports. He didn’t even realize the local media were covering the story, so what he’d heard, and what actually transpired, were QUITE different things. Not sure why (and it may still be coming), but I don’t think anything about the attack ever appeared in the school paper, which is kind of strange, given the seriousness of what happened. </p>

<p>This story is all over the news in Bham. Tuscaloosa police made a comment that it is not fraternity related or something like that. If they are all from OOS I am guessing they are in a new row fraternity. Very sad and scary. I’m guessing alcohol was most likely involved… My S didn’t know much about it…I’d think they will be kicked out of fraternity… Will they be kicked out of school??</p>

<p>I noticed that as well. I’m also surprised that we haven’t seen a generic statement such as was issued during the sorority incident saying violence such as this won’t be tolerated. Has there been a statement by the UA that I missed?</p>



<p>As I imagined. not a surprise.</p>

<p>Well, in fairness to the university, the news accounts have been all over the place. Maybe they just want to be sure to get the facts straight before they make a formal statement. In retrospect, they jumped the gun on the message to the UA community about the “off campus attack” that never occurred!</p>

<p>It’s clear all four of the boys accused, along with the victim, were from out of state; whether a girl was involved or not it’s hard to know how much of what we’re hearing is the full story. That’s why it’s best to let the justice system sort it all out. </p>

<p>But I do think UA needs to make a very clear statement that violence of any type, “provoked” or not, will not be tolerated. </p>

<p>Aren’t they in the same fraternity? Maybe it had nothing to do with the fraternity. I don’t know the answer, but it is difficult (for me) to believe that without that bond the other three would be inclined to go to these lengths and commit a felony assault for another OOS student they have likely known for such a short time. Perhaps alcohol made it easier for these minors to do that.</p>

<p>If alcohol was involved, where did they get it from? Did fraternity facilitate their access to alcohol?</p>

<p>Without reading the media statements made by TPD again I don’t recall whether they’ve said for sure that alcohol played a part, so on my part that’s just an “if” which seems all to common. Just wanted to clarify that I’m not saying it did.</p>