Non-student reported beaten outside frat house?

<p>I have no idea what happened - wondered if any of you know? </p>

<p>[University</a> of Alabama Police investigating beating of former Marine reportedly attacked outside fraternity house |](<a href=“University of Alabama Police investigating beating of former Marine reportedly attacked outside fraternity house -”>University of Alabama Police investigating beating of former Marine reportedly attacked outside fraternity house -</p>

<p>That story sounds strange. The victim is saying that he stopped at a frat house to ask for directions and he was attacked??? That just doesn’t sound right.</p>

<p>Stuff like this can happen… my brother stopped to watch a fight outside a frat once and got dragged into it, was beaten up badly. He sued the frat and won.</p>

<p>The source of the story seems to be the victim’s mom, so bias is likely.</p>

<p>Her son had been drinking, got lost (probably intoxicated), and then something happened. The details are going to be sketchy at this point. </p>

<p>I just doubt that some polite person asking a frat house at Bama for directions would get beat up.</p>

<p>Intparent - that’s eye-opening! I’ll tell my DSes - if you stop to watch a fight, stay a decent distance away! :slight_smile: </p>

<p>M2CK - that’s my hope, that there are plenty of witnesses to what - really - happened!</p>

<p>There aren’t fights breaking out at frat houses in any kind of regular way. </p>

<p>One of the reasons why fraternities don’t have “open parties” that allow “stranger males” into their Houses is to avoid any such incidents. </p>

<p>That said, in any circumstance anywhere, if you come upon some kind of physical altercation, one should get away and report it.</p>

<p>I suspect that there are “two sides to the story.” I just can’t imagine (at Bama) someone politely asking for directions and getting beaten up. Just doesn’t make sense.</p>

<p>Sounds fishy to say the least. Does not pass the smell test, imho. </p>

<p>There is a gas station right across the street from that house (as well as a pharmacy and Arby’s). Why would he go up to a house that is behind a gate and fenced to ask for directions late at night when there is an open gas station right there.</p>

<p>I am also sure that there are 2 sides to the story, but whatever the other side may be it can’t justify someone getting beaten to the point that they required a week of hospitalization with a collapsed lung… That’s horrible!</p>

<p>Although the article says that he had gone to the frat house, it doesn’t specify that the incident took place on that property (it may have occurred outside the gate).</p>

<p>Unfortuanately, stuff like this does happen, even at Bama, it was just last year, that several innocent people walking on campus were beaten and robbed by the now former football players.</p>

<p>It should just serve as a reminder, that whether female or male, to never travel alone at night, espeically if there is any alcohol involved.</p>

<p>I’m not saying that this stuff can’t happen at Bama, I just don’t believe that someone politely asked for directions and then got beat up.</p>

<p>but whatever the other side may be it can’t justify someone getting beaten to the point that they required a week of hospitalization with a collapsed lung…</p>

<p>As for the extent of the injuries, we don’t know what happened to the other person(s). Once you’re attacked, you can use whatever means possible to defend yourself…even is it means putting that person in the hospital for a week. </p>

<p>As someone who was innocently attacked by 2 strangers as a child, I can tell you this, if my dad had been there, those people wouldn’t be in the hospital for a week, they’d be in their graves forever.</p>

<p>I’m not saying that the frat guys are innocent, it’s just that the mom’s version sounds fishy.</p>

<p>My son is in that fraternity- they are an excellent group of kids and I am waiting to find out the truth!! I did not even know about this until I read it here-Just texted my son and he doesn’t even know about it-if it’s not true and some drunk guy is getting our fraternity in trouble I will be unhappy!</p>

<p>Please let us know what you find out hlsess!</p>

<p>I emailed the guy that wrote the article -here is his reply -just asked him if he is sure the Phi Gams were involved</p>

<p>No ma’am, I can’t be sure it was the Phi Gams. I know that house is around several others and could have easily been confused, and having just come off of four years at UA and knowing my fair share of Figis, it does seem truly uncharacteristic. Still, UAPD won’t share the details of their investigation and the victim identified Phi Gamma Delta by named, both in an email and on the phone, so that’s what I reported. It all seems a bit off, but UAPD works at their own pace and doesn’t play well with others, especially the media, and no one in the greek system will talk to a reporter, they haven’t for years. All I’m left with is the account I’ve got, even if it seems to be built on shaky ground.</p>

<p>There seems to be too many holes…</p>

<p>Where was this guy’s cell phone?</p>

<p>With that many injuries, how did he “break away” from a group and manage to get to a gas station to make his call? </p>

<p>Also…I don’t believe the part where his mom says, “the next thing he knew he was being brutally attacked…” As if he asked a simple innocent question and he was suddenly mobbed.</p>

<p>does anyone know when it happened?</p>

<p>M2CK, I also find it hard to believe the guy didn’t have his own phone. Way too many holes in this story. Is it possible someone could get in a drunken fight? No. Even at UA a fight can happen when alcohol becomes a factor. </p>

<p>Why didn’t the friend give his drunk friend a ride back to his hotel? That’s an awfully long way to walk from I’m guessing the Strip to any hotel on the other side of McFarland and not wise when intoxicated! There has to be way more to this. Oh, and if his friend picked him up in that bad of shape why didn’t he take him straight to the hospital? Why didn’t the gas station attendant call 911 for the guy? </p>

<p>If he did indeed go to a gas station to use a phone there should be surveillance cameras. Me thinks the Frat houses should have them on the outside of their houses.</p>

<p>The story just doesn’t sound right. I agree that the friend should have driven him home, and the fact that he didn’t suggests that the guy stayed later at the bar after his friend left.</p>

<p>Where his cell phone was is another mystery. How’d he get from his hotel to the bar to begin with? and, you’re right, there aren’t any hotels that closeby. Capstone would be the closest, I think and they have a shuttle service.</p>

<p>I hope that there were cameras involved. </p>

<p>Do we know what time of night this was?</p>

<p>Tsk, tsk I’m guessing somebody was WASTED! ;)</p>

<p>I’ve been to several frat parties where a fight broke out. Unfortunately anytime in a club or bar when there is women, a few frustrated dudes and alcohol there is the possibility of a brawl. A frat party is no different. This is why locals/nonmembers can’t get in some parties.</p>

<p>CORRECTION! Typing on my phone and fat fingers.<br>
It should have said “YES” a fight can break out even at UA. </p>

<p>This kind of reminds me of a story that happened close us by last year. It was mommy that called the news media when she was upset and not getting answers. Supposedly, kids (teenagers) were at Taco Bell INSIDE around 1:00am and some other group attacked them and beat them up. Kids went home and told parents who took them to the hospital for treatment. Well, the police department had no call of a fight at the Taco Bell (mind you this happened in a very small suburb on the far outskirts of the city) and no one at Taco Bell knew anything about a fight or disturbance. Plus, the INSIDE of Taco Bell is not open at that time. DUH! Turns out that they got in a fight somewhere else and then made the whole thing up so as not to get in trouble. They were somewhere they were not supposed to be as well. </p>

<p>Thing is, people need to realize that a lot of businesses and even some residences have surveillance cameras nowadays. So doing something you are not supposed to then trying to twist the story to cover up your own dumb@$$ and throw the blame on others does not usually work. </p>

<p>Okay, if it did happen then I do hope those involved are dealt with properly and swiftly.</p>