<p>I cant wait to see Cornell
who else is going where are yoou from </p>
<p>also to someone who knows i got my invite to DHW before cornell received my midyear report. I got a C in AP physics but the rest B's and A's. I also got my AP physics teacher to write me a letter saying that I have improved and I have an A in his class now. How concrete is my acceptance based on my DHW invite and do i have a chance of being rejected even after my invite.</p>
<p>im going. im from arizona and they have me switching flights, which i really dont like. i also have to leave 10:45PM on WEDNESDAY, so i have to sleep on the plane. i have only ever been on a plane once, with my sister in law and thats my biggest concern right now, lol. im scared to be wandering around like an idiot in the airport trying to figure out how to get to the next terminal.
i really hope that i love cornell when i visit it because i should be going there for free (if them eliminating need-based loans for < 60k fams is true) and so therefore i WILL be going there. im scared that i wont love it. ive only visited two other schools (i applied to a lot of schools on the east, none of which i had ever visited and cant afford to), northwestern and uchicago. i overnighted at northwestern and i didnt really like it much at all (they may be due to the fact my host got me drunk and i didnt eat in 24 hrs and i threw up 3x in the morning on the tour i wasnt supposed to be taking because my host never came home in the night so i couldnt make it to the class i wanted to sit in) and i only took a tour at uchicago but i thought i LOVED it (but got rejected). sigh, i just hope i really love it and the people there. if not, im screwed.</p>
<p>Unless you severely screw up (you’ll need more than just 1 C to do that), you are in!</p>
<p>I’m going, and I’m kind of annoyed at the plane choices as well. From Florida, have to leave on a 6 AM flight, stop in Philadelphia, an airport that I have no clue about. Flying isn’t the problem, it’s flying to unfamiliar places. I still think it will be worth it though, as I will probably be attending Cornell and this will be a way for me to see what life is like. Actually, a visit like lostforwords’ Northwestern one would be awesome, sort of like a “welcome to college” thing.</p>
<p>no that was not awesome. i drink all the time and ive only thrown up twice after RIDICULOUS drinknig, so i was mad that i was because its not that i drank a whole lot, but that i didnt eat at all. i couldnt find ANYTHING good to eat the night before, and the one thing i did order i didnt like at all and ended up giving away. the WAY that i threw up was truly horrible too. i was supposed to attend a class in the morning but i could not get ahold of my host for the life of me, which meant i wouldnt be able to get back into the building after the classs to get my stuff because she had to key to the building. after trying to call her for forty five minutes, leaving no time to try and find out where to get breakfast, i had to walk (FOR A LONG TIME. with a HUGE sleeping bag that kept falling apart and my backpack) to the front office (which i also didnt know how to get to) to drop my **** off there, at which point my only option was to take a tour until several hours later when i would be picked up. after the group talked in the auditorium (where i was sitting in the back feeling the most nauseus i have ever felt and trying to figure out where there was water) we all had to go in the lobby and pick our tour guide. i picked mine but i knew i was going to throw up right as we were leaving. i told my guide this and she just told me where the bathroom was. i didnt want directions i wanted her to wait for me! but i didnt have time to communicate that as i then began the disgusting part, holding my hand over my (full) mouth and running down to the basement for the bathroom. when i finally finished and cleaned myself up i had to SPRINT to catch up to my group that had turned around several corners, which btw did nothing to help how i was feeling.
the rest of the tour i hurled TWICE MORE in the back of the group with no one paying any attention to me whatsoever. i had never felt more horrible in my life. </p>
<p>also, the day before with my host was BOR-ING!!! whew! she kept trying to pawn me off to talk to this other lame prospi i had no interest in while she talked with her friends at this bonfire. we went to a small party, which was okay and was where i drank, but she disappeared like 5x to go smoke somewhereorother, which i didnt participate in because i dont smoke. everyone was really nice but i didnt know them like that so it was still boring. Also, my host didnt even pick me up from the office!! she had her roommate do it because she was doing something else when she was scheduled to pick me up. i liked her in the beginning but she just got worse and worse as the night went on…</p>
<p>Lol that was probably a little tmi</p>
<p>I got accepted to Cornelll ILR and a few weeks later I received the DHW invitation. I am so happy!!! But yea the travel arrangements suck. I’m with lost4words09…I have a stop in philadelphia…Kinda scared…and on the way back home I have a stop at Detroit!!
But HopefullY I will BE going here…although IDK I’m also going on a Chicago Program.
Can’T wait to meet ALl of Y’all! :D</p>
Ditto. I’ll be at DHW coming from Florida.</p>
<p>Why would you be scared about “stopping in new places”? </p>
<p>Does not compute.</p>
<p>I am from Miami and to fly into Ithaca you are either flying into Philadelphia, Charlotte NC, or Newark Liberty.</p>
<p>my plane stops in newark liberty. i dont even have a CLUE where that is.</p>
<p>hope everyone has a safe flight! you’ve already worked so hard for cornell but the journey doesnt stop yet!</p>
<p>Newark Liberty is in Newark, New Jersey
It’s about a 30 minute car ride from JFK and New York City?</p>
<p>the Philly airport isn’t bad. Of course, I’m someone who’s traveled a lot, but trust me, the Philly airport is nothing. The flight from Philly to Ithaca is really cool though. On a tiny little plane and you can see the whole area. It was beautiful in the fall though, so maybe I’m a bit biased.</p>
<p>It’s so worth it though. I fell in love with the school about 5 minutes before I even got there. lol</p>
<p>Yeah, my discomfort also came when I asked my well-traveled grandfather what the Philly airport is like, and he responded, “Terrible. I hate it there.”</p>
<p>That won’t have anyone looking forward to going there.</p>
<p>I don’t know what his problem with the Philly airport is. I just flew into it twice, to and from ithaca for spring break.</p>
<p>It is clean, large, full of everything you need.</p>
<p>philly airport sucks compared to newark, syracuse, ithaca, detroit, cleveland airports…</p>
<p>the biggest complaint about philly is that the TAXI TIME on the runway can sometimes be for HOURS!!!</p>
<p>DHW = 
anyone else from pennsylvania?
what exactly are we gonna do when our host is busy?
“they aren’t obligated to spend the entire weekend with us”
<p>I’ll hopefully be coming to Diversity Hosting as well! I’m just a little curious though… why do we have to pay $40? What does that cover? I’m only complaining about that because I don’t benefit from the “complimentary” airfare, and because all of the rest of the Cornell Days people don’t have to pay. Thanks!</p>
<p>So our parents aren’t required to come along right? Cuz I’m just planning on going alone right now lol…</p>
<p>No. Parents are not required to come.</p>