Diversity Update

<p>I thought folks might be interested in the latest student op-ed on diversity (or lack thereof) at UW. The comments are particularly revealing. With intelligent articles like this getting juvenile responses like that, it's no wonder that progress has been so slow.</p>

<p>The</a> Badger Herald: Opinion: UW?s lack of diversity, though troubling, far from a lost cause</p>

<p>Not really an update per se since this article is several months old already, but I’m just nitpicking:P</p>

<p>The arguments about the lack of diversity at UW aren’t without merit but also tend towards the opinion that diversity must equal different skin color, which just isn’t true. Diversity comes in many forms, whether out of state, different socioeconomic status or even out of country, that don’t depend on skin color.</p>

<p>I always find it kind of ironic that the people who trumpet diversity like they do ignore this side of the diversity coin. It implies - in a very 1950s like way - that just because someone has a different skin color, they MUST be vastly different from you and thus allow you to revel in diversity, ignoring the fact that skin color is in fact just skin color, and a black/asian/etc. kid growing up in the same circumstances as a white kid in the U.S. is going to have many of the same values as the white kid, not really offering a vastly different perspective and norms that diversity implies.</p>

<p>That being said, it is nice to have a range of different ethnic groups and races represented as it tends to acclimate people to them (i.e. people see that they are really aren’t all that different, and they are people too), and thus it certainly wouldn’t be a bad thing for UW to be more diverse in that sense.</p>

<p>I say this tongue in cheek, but I blame Milwaukee for their bad public school system.</p>

<p>Any you wonder why we tire of your shenanigans. I decided to lay off UVa. I suggest it’s time for you to leave. All the great press the UW has been getting must be just eating you up.</p>

<p>■■■■■ warning- novaparent has no interest in UW. Consistently finding every flaw.</p>

<p>In a word -demographics. Makes the US more diverse to have different cultures instead of being the same all over.</p>

<p>Thoughtful post, badger2012, even if I don’t agree with it. As for the other comments on this thread, take them for what they are worth – neither thoughtful or objective.</p>

<p>If diversity weren’t a real issue at UW it wouldn’t be the subject of repeated op ed pieces in UW student newspapers. All I’m doing is reporting what’s going on on campus. Diversity is something that many applicants care about, even if what’s going on at UW isn’t always pretty. Applicants coming to this board have the right to hear all opinions, not just the good ones. “■■■■■” and “shenanigans” are words that have no place in intelligent discourse on this board.</p>

<p>To wis75’s credit, at least she recognizes diversity at UW as a “flaw.”</p>

<p>Hate to tell you, most UW students come from Wis and take what they get for diversity while lamenting it in the student papers. Fact of life that the demographics dictate the majority of student backgrounds. Not worth rehashing in this forum by nova. Student newspapers are constantly looking for news items, and the student population is changing every year so a new audience…</p>

<p>One could easily diss east coast schools for their lack of geographic diversity…</p>


<p><a href=“http://badgerherald.com/oped/2010/11/09/uws_planned_photosho.php#[/url]”>http://badgerherald.com/oped/2010/11/09/uws_planned_photosho.php#&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>[The</a> Badger Herald: News: Staged diversity photo shoot canceled](<a href=“http://badgerherald.com/news/2010/11/10/staged_diversity_pho.php]The”>http://badgerherald.com/news/2010/11/10/staged_diversity_pho.php)</p>

<p>So they try to put together a photo shoot to help recruit more minority students and that’s a problem? I bet most of the recruiting photos for athletes include–get this–athletes. You are too much.
Please just go away or I’ll be back on the UVa site with guns blazing There is plenty of dirt on UVa too from problems with their own diversity and separation of blacks and whites on campus to crime issues on and around campus. Not to mention the still festering problems in recruiting top science faculty. It’s just honest information after all- right??</p>

<p>I’ve finally realized the one main problem with these forums and how they’re organized. Each school has its own forum with its own posters and followers, etc… the problem is that there is no opposite. Each forum is to the point where anything can be said and no one will ever challenge it, unless an outsider comes and posts something then everyone turns into a child and bashes them for it.</p>

<p>This thread is a perfectly legitimate concern at UW-Madison and instead of having a civil conversation about it, the UW-Madison College Confidential Elite (Barrons, wis75, etc…) come on and just try to rip this guy limb from limb to convince potential students that it isn’t true. It’s got such a country club feel to it, which makes sense considering Barrons self-proclaimed multi-million wealth.</p>

<p>Now the part I love most is that the next post from Barrons is going to prove me exactly right. He’ll try to rip apart me (despite me going to UW-Madison, loving it) and rip apart the University of Minnesota (despite no mention of it, but rather because I don’t share his same disdain for the UMN). Either that or he’ll try to privately “get at” me by reporting this post.</p>

<p>That, in essence, is what’s wrong with this forum. Totally one sided. One outsider comes and everybody tries to just annihilate the guy.</p>

<p>“We may disagree but shall not disagreeable”…Discussion is healthy. Personal attack is not.</p>

<p>amen, countrygentleman.</p>

<p>and what you said about the forums not having any sort of real critical thinking, I agree. every ‘chance me’ post is followed by ‘you’ll get in for sure!’</p>

<p>Nova has an anti UW agenda- only posts when can criticize/attack. Hence the warning.</p>