DMD Essay

Hello, I’m a prospective RD student from Morocco and I have a few questions about applying to UPenn…
So when they ask me about what school/program I am applying to, I selected the Digital Media Design program, which is really the main reason I’m applying, and I chose the college of arts and science as a secondary school choice.
Now when I got to the supplement part, the prompt precises to answer regarding my single-degree school choice and not a coordinated-dual degree program, so my question is: does the DMD count as “coordinated dual-degree” program? Should I then talk in the essay about what studies I would pursue in the college of arts and science and not talk about the DMD at all? It seems weird because there’s no other essay about the DMD specifically so I’m confused…
tl;dr If I picked the Digital Media Design as my first program choice should I talk about it in the essay or talk about other majors in the college of arts and science (my second choice)?
Thanks in advance!

Mok. (Fr7tiii is7ablk chi good answer huhuhuhu)


“A student pursuing a dual degree will receive two bachelor’s degrees simultaneously, from two separate schools of the University.”

“DMD Program: Students earn a BS in Engineering from the School of Engineering and Applied Science.” (one degree from one school only)

So the answer is no. The DMD program is classified as a specialized program but not a dual-degree one. Please do some research before applying to a university.

Thank you dear friend :slight_smile:
I had already figured it out and wrote the essay today but you were very helpful, dear Marie :slight_smile: