Do 3 W’s look really bad on a college transcript?

I’m looking to transfer and i’ll have 3.81 gpa but 3 w’s, will that look really bad? I’ll be a sophomore next semester with 30 hours but 39 attempted hours.

Can you explain what happened if anyone asks?

Ws look better than WFs (withdraw failing).

Somewhat. My first semester i recieved a C because the professor was really big on essays, and i had never written an essay before, so i redid the class and they replaced the grade with a W for attempted hours. The second semester i wanted to do 18 hours, but it was too stressful so i dropped a class, and then i had a half semester intensive spanish 2 class that started, and he didnt review anything, so i had forgotten a lot of basics, and i was learning the new stuff, but he was moving too fast that i didnt have time to review the basics, so i dropped it.

But do they look really bad? I know they don’t look good, but could it be a make or break thing?

For the great majority of universities no. A W isn’t going to break you.

No, it shouldn’t. I have encouraged my kids to try a class in a new area by telling them that if it really isn’t working, they can withdraw. They have on a couple of occasions and, on others, they decided it was something they really liked or at least were able to tolerate. The W exists to let students salvage something or to allow them to take a chance.

thank you!

Thank you!