Do a lot of people cheat at berkeley?

<p>It was rampant at my very good, private high school.
Many cheated their way to Ivy League acceptances.</p>

<p>I hate people who cheat and a lot of my friends did it as well.</p>

<p>I hope creating becomes much less prevalent in college.</p>

<p>I'm talking about mainly during tests.</p>

<p>It’s crazy easy to cheat at a high school, not so easy in college (any college) and especially not here. I remember kids cheated by using their phones and such, I can’t even see how that would help here (most of the answers can’t be googled/would take too much time)</p>

<p>I’ve never even heard of any of my classmates cheating; during exams, there are around 5 GSIs hawking the room anyways. Besides, I think anyone would rather fail an exam than risk expulsion.</p>