Do All Candidates who are 3Q get letters?

<p>Just curious--application is now being reviewed by USNA. Never rec'd a letter stating that son is 3Q or not. We think that he's 3Q, but we've never heard for sure. It seems that most candidates on this board have rec'd confirmation about their qualification/status with either a LOA or Scholastic Qual letter. Thanks for any info.</p>

<p>The simple answer: NO</p>

<p>USNA is not always comprehensive in communicating all precise, individual information to all candidates. They good, they try, but they not perfect. :rolleyes: Sometimes the I’s don’t always get “dotted” :confused: as this tsunami wave of class of 2013 potentials crashes toward the Severn shores … :eek: But don’t confuse YOUR not knowing they know with USNA not knowing they know. They VERY good in that regard. :D</p>

<p>Have your candidate call 'em and ask!</p>

<p>Use your BGO as a first resort if you have questions about a Triple Q letter. I believe they have access to this information in the BGIS.</p>

<p>Not all candidates who are triple-qd recieve a letter stating such- they are usually sent out earlier in the cycle, while the application process is in the early stages, as a way of notifying candidates they are “in the loop”… with nominations in, the letters for appointment will start to roll out- slowly- please keep in mind USNA tends to fall behind the other service academies to send them out, but they will all be out in the next dozen weeks. LOAs and Triple-q letters, at this point, are not usually sent out. Hang on.</p>