Do any ivies NOT count freshman year?

<p>So far I only know of Princeton, but i was wondering if anyone knew whether Penn or Cornell do or do not factor in Freshman year GPA.</p>

<p>I don’t think any of the other ivies exclude Frosh year…sorry. BUT, Carnegie Mellon,Stanford and the UC’s don’t.Also, most schools can forgive a bad frosh year…so I don’t think that you should worry.</p>

<p>Sorry to hack your thread, but if you’re applying to a school that excludes freshman year, would your class rank differ as well?</p>

<p>I don’t know of any ivies, but I know university of michigan (considered to be a “public ivy”) doesn’t count freshman year</p>



<p>No, your school calculates your rank and it is accepted as reported. That’s the caveat for schools who discount freshman year.</p>

<p>^ Was that a yes or no?</p>

<p>That’s a No.</p>

<p>Keep in mind that the schools that don’t factor in freshmen year still look at rank.</p>