<p>Pre-professional, students planned for the future
Great dinning hall food
Great social studies majors
Party scene (not too much)
Not dominated by frats
Laid back- not too competitive- students help others -study group</p>
<p>I will say Penn and Columbia!</p>
<p>i’d second penn and maybe yale</p>
<p>All of them are somewhat pre-professional.</p>
<p>Cornell has long been known for its excellent food service program; its quality is often attributed to the influence of the School of Hotel Administration. I haven’t heard much about the food at the other members of the Ivy League.</p>
<p>All members of the Ivy League have decent reputations in the social sciences.</p>
<p>Five of the eight are urban; Cornell and Dartmouth are located in small towns; Princeton is suburban, but only about 50 miles from New York City. </p>
<p>There are differences between the urban environments of Providence, New Haven, Cambridge, Philadelphia, and Manhattan.</p>
<p>I’ll let others comment on the party scenes.</p>
<p>Slightly over 50% of the males joined frats when i was at Cornell. I’ve heard that frats at Dartmouth are pretty dominant.</p>
<p>I don’t believe that any school that accepts a small percentage of its applicants can be accurately described as laid back.</p>
<p>The answer to your question, then, is “No, no Ivy league school fits all of your criteria.”</p>
<p>definitely Penn for a laidback atmosphere. columbia for the ultimate city and better social studies. (Philadelphia is nothing like NYC)</p>
<p>brown is the most laid back. they’re all pre professional and competitive. if i had to recommend a school outside the ivy league it would be Rice. located in one of the biggest cities in the country, laid back southern vibe, balanced social scene.</p>
<p>Penn, Columbia isn’t laid back The great food isn’t in the dining hall, it’s on food carts spread around town. Nowhere else has anything like them, anything you can think of from fruit salad to Italian food is sold from them.</p>
<p>ChoklitRain, thanks Rice is one of my choices.
Is there any Ivy that is simmilar to Rice or a brand name college?</p>
<p>you might want to consider Georgetown. located in DC. great basketball team, more laid back student body than Penn/Columbia. if you’re interested in politics or international relations, it’s hard to beat academically as well.</p>
<p>if I had your criteria, Rice and Georgetown would be two of my top choices.</p>
<p>What about Stanford or university of chicago?
I think penn is best out of the ivy.</p>
<p>stanford is nowhere near urban, and it’s a long shot for everyone. uchicago meets a lot of your criteria, but its students study a crazy amount, so it’s not a relaxed environment. </p>
<p>Penn is a great school…but at any school at that level, there will be plenty of gunners going for top grades. not a relaxed environment, especially when you consider the wharton kids. my dad went to wharton and loved it, though.</p>
<p>UPenn is notorious for pre-professionalism.</p>
<p>Upenn is definitely out!..ugh.</p>
<p>Pre-professional and laidback seem to me to be mutually exclusive. Penn is definitely the most pre-professional of the Ivys, but there are plenty of opportunities for study groups and the like, not everyone is backstabbing, uebercompetitive, except for the Whartonites and pre-meds… ;)</p>
<p>Any Ivy that is similar to Rice or University of Chicago?</p>
<p>Why not just apply to Rice or University of Chicago if that’s a good fit?</p>
<p>Why are you so set on the ivy league? It’s not like they’re even the eight best colleges in the country…</p>
<p>My parents told me to go to an ivy league or the top 5 colleges in the us.</p>
<p>I would love to go to rice but my parents wants to show off, her friends don’t even know where rice is.</p>
<p>That’s grotesque. Rice is a brand name college, very highly respected. As is U Chicago. Who cares if ignorant people know where a school is or not? I hope you explain that you will need backup plan when you are rejected from her choices. And hope you take the time to explain that those schools are well known to grad schools and employers and that is more important than if her friends know about it.</p>
<p>Thanks I will mention that!</p>