do colleges find out about truants?

<p>i was actually considering ditching a lil bit 2nd semester :) does it show up on transcripts or something?</p>

<p>I am not sure....some colleges may request disciplinary records, and will rescind your acceptance if you were borderline (or even if you weren't)
And It is a possibility that it could be on your transcripts...</p>

<p>I know class is boring sometimes, trust me, I wouldn't mind skipping 3 of my classes, but tough it out, just to be on the safe side!</p>

<p>Well, I think it depends on your school. At my school if you cut class a few times it doesn't really matter.</p>

<p>At my school it doesn't. It will be counted for an absence, and you might get a detention or suspension if you do it way too much. My school is totally random, and I've gotten calls from the school saying I skipped class when I didn't, but when I actually skip class they usually don't call. I'd ask other people at your school who have done it, because it might be a little more...organized than ours.</p>

<p>At my school, if you're caught you get a detention. Detentions don't go on our record- only suspensions do.</p>

<p>(However, 9 detentions = in school suspension)</p>