<p>My school has very few AP Courses. AP USH, Gov, Calc, and Lit only. Thats why I intend on self studying for a load of AP tests, especially sciences. </p>
<p>If I get good scores on these tests without taking the courses, am I (in a good college's eyes) the same as a student who took the course itself? In general, do schools look at your schedules and course loads?</p>
<p>The schools definitely look at your course load. Actually, they see if you have taken the most rigorous curriculum offered at your school. But, since you want a science major, its better to take the AP’s by yourself. You will be treated the same way as those who took AP courses at their schools.</p>
<p>Bizarrely enough, my school only offers AP USH, USGOV, CalcAB, and EngLit. Only one person in the history of my highschool has selfstudied any AP. It was AP Bio a few years ago and he got a 3. I’m gonna change that and am currently self-studying AP Chem. I’ve either taken or am in all the AP courses at school (besides USH) so im making up by takin the AP chem exam. If your going to self study a course, make sure you are VERY WELL prepared.</p>
<p>Thats odd biodontchem. Looks like we are in the same scenario. And by the way, I don’t care much for AP Bio. If I want to go to college for the physical sciences, won’t it be okay for me to just take AP Chem, Physics B, and Physics C? </p>
<p>And obviously calc ab/bc and maybe statistics and some others if possible?</p>
<p>And yes, doing well on an AP requires confidence. I will study until I am confident I can get a 5. </p>
<p>And biodontchem, good luck. Be the first to self study and get a 5!</p>