Do colleges see quarter or semester grades?

Hello! I was wondering if colleges see you grades by quarter or by semester. Also, my school grades on a 100 point scale, so will colleges see that or will they see letter grades? Thanks.

Ask your guidance counselor for a copy of your transcript. Then you’ll see exactly what is being sent to colleges.

It depends what your HS puts on transcripts. My kids’ school only puts semester grades on transcripts so that’s all schools see. Report cards come home with quarter grades but never make it onto the transcript (as this HS has a formula of 40%Q1 + 40% Q2 + 20% final exam = semester grade).

However, a quarter gradecard can be seen if a school specifically asks to see it and the student gives permission (as in a case where a student is borderline, perhaps).

You can (and should) ask for an unofficial copy of your own transcript so you know for sure what colleges will see. Not bad to check for errors, either.

Thank you both so much!