Do Community College classes count towards GPA?

<p>I ask this because i’m a senior(12th grade0 this year and the math class i’m taking is a community college class and I got a bad grade in it(C), would this count towards my college gpa?</p>

<p>It will depend on how the graduate and/or professional schools will calculate your GPA but, yes. Your Cumulative college GPA is calculated using any College and University level courses you complete.</p>

<p>I think the OP was asking if the juco class would count in his/her UC undergrad gpa and the answer is No; juco grades will not be added to a UC transcript (but the classes will so the Registrar gives credit for fulfilling a requirement or units. But, yes, grad/professional schools will want to see them. Law schools in particular require all college grades to be factored into the law school applicant's gpa, regardless of when a college class was taken.</p>