Do courses taken at UC summer sessions factor into UC gpa?

I am a junior in high school and have registered to take 2 courses at the UCI summer session. I was wondering whether these classes would go into my high school UC GPA?

If the courses are UC transferable, yes they will be calculated into your UC GPA, so make sure you do well in those courses. Also, any UC transferable courses will be on your permanent college record, so they could have an impact on your Grad school, Medical, Dental School, PT school etc… applications.

UC GPA calculations are based on a-g courses taken the summer prior to 10th grade through the summer prior to 12th grade.

Hi @Gumbymom how can a UC course not be “UC transferable”? I thought the UC transferable only applied to courses at the california community college (CCC)? Thanks for your help. I have written a questions on here as I am trying to understand this.

Some courses such as UC extension courses or specialized Seminar courses taken at a UC may not be transferable (given credit) at another UC campus.