do engineering majors have lives?

<p>I'm trying to get a perspective of how life would be if I were accepted. Is Blacksburg boring? What do you do? How much time is there to not be asleep, eating, or studying outside of class?</p>

<p>You (we) do have harder schedules and they do require more time then most of the other majors, not all though. BUT, you do have plenty of time for having a life. I am in engineering (comp sci) and i have plenty of time for a social life. I even joined a fraternity and still have a 3.75 GPA.</p>

<p>I graduated in engineering and had time for a social life. There are times where you have to stay in on a weekend or something instead of going out (especially mid-term or finals time) but those are the exception, not the rule, as long as you manage your time decently.</p>

<p>Blacksburg was fun, I liked the house parties, the lyric theater, and just hanging out at the restaurants around there. I also played a lot of pick-up and intramural sports and was in a couple student groups.</p>

<p>By the time you get to your junior level classes, a lot of your life will definitely consist of studies, especially if you want to graduate on time. However, by this time one would hope that you picked the right major and actually enjoy what you are learning, especially in your junior level classes, where you are getting into the “thick” of your major. I would say this is essential to succeeding in engineering. Know your major.</p>

<p>I enjoy the busy lifestyle. It also helps not to be into things that waste your time, like video games or TV series. Then you find a nice balance between work and hanging with your friends. As long as I get work done during the week, I can almost always make free time on Friday or Saturday nights. </p>

<p>Freshman year is a different story. You will have plenty of time to “have a life” outside of your studies.</p>

<p>Everyone here’s advice is spot on.</p>

<p>And besides, isn’t four years of above-average difficulty worth all the benefits of being an engineer? That being said, if you’re just in it for the money, there are definitely other choices that would lead to a higher salary.</p>