<p>There's this babe in my school and she's like an itch I can't scratch for the past months.</p>
<p>However, I've heard of people who stay up all night texting and talking to their beloved, procrasting their homework obviously. I see all the time facebook statuses going from "in a reliationship" to "single." I heard of a guy who broke up with a girl and his GPA went spiraling down for the rest of his HS year because of a girl.</p>
<p>Maybe in a miracle I'll hook up with this babe only for hanky panky to satisfy that itch. No "relationship" or what not. Media and movies makes love seem overrated, but what do I know I'm just a horny teenager.</p>
<p>Hopefully this college forum can provide their opinions about girls :).</p>
<p>I’m a guy and girls never get in my way of school. I don’t really interact with them a whole lot outside of school but during school we always help eachother with school work and they have helped my grades a lot.</p>
<p>Lol it’s not only texting but ooVoo and facebook and everything. </p>
<p>But it’s okay. We’re expert procrastinators. It didn’t affect my grades by much, I think.</p>
<p>Yes. I had a boyfriend/fiance all throughout high school. They get in place of your work, but it’s a good thing IMO. For me at least, it kept me balanced between fun and school when I took myself too seriously. </p>
<p>When I went to college, we skype/call/text all the time. My grades are still fine, both then and now.</p>
<p>Nope, seeing as I lack the skills and abilities to interact with girls, they don’t interfere.</p>
<p>this is why i’d rather not get involved in dating yet. first of all, i’m not really interested in that yet, i mean i feel like highschool is way too young. second of all, even if i was i am really shy around girls…</p>
<p>^^ No one says you HAVE to get into dating in high school (although it is good practice for college). If the right person comes along, do it. If not, then don’t. Simple as that :)</p>
<p>^ I never said anyone said I HAD to get into dating either. It’s just that, even if the right person came along, I probably wouldn’t know it yet.</p>
<p>When someone and I were awkwardly dancing around each other, it did not interfere with my school work. His school work didn’t legit matter because he was on a gap yah, but it was fine too.
My friend’s school work did not deteriorate when she had bfs, but my other friend dropped all her APs after she became officially with a guy. Harumph! Actually, the one had nothing to do with the other, it was just the senioritis finally kicking in.</p>
<p>^^ Actually, that was more directed @MIT (although I would give you the same advice). I didn’t realize that there had been another post, as I kind of forgot to hit post reply for a few minutes. Sorry.</p>
<p>Love completely messes up your academic life. You can be doing completely fine in school one day, only to have some perfect guy or girl waltz into your life and distract you from everything. And if it works out between you two, you stay distracted. If it doesn’t, you get heartbroken AND distracted until a new person comes along.</p>
<p>I WOULD advise someone to avoid this situation altogether by not being interested in guys/girls, but that doesn’t always work. Like I said, sometimes the perfect person just comes into your life and takes over your mind, whether you were looking for someone or not.</p>
<p>Maybe I sound bitter and cynical, but it’s better than being naive.</p>
<p>^ You say that like it’s definitive. It is not, by any stretch of the imagination. There are PLENTY of people in high school that can balance a significant other and school work. Just because you can’t doesn’t mean that it’s inevitable.</p>
<p>I don’t text a whole lot this year but I did text one girl a lot last year and my grades actually shot up after we started talking. I was always bored and depressed and she brought happiness to me which allowed me to do better in school and didn’t really take much time away from school. If either of us had too much homework we would text back after and I think we brought each others grades up.</p>
<p>@romani, true I suppose. I doubt even if there was a right person that I would be able to communicate. I think Stephen Hawkins can communicate better than me for crying out loud.</p>
<p>^ Haha, he’s rather articulate if given time. Perhaps you should try a letter?
<p>Anyway, I hope the best for you. I think it’s important to have a SO in your life at one point or another, whenever he or she happens to come along.</p>
<p>And he probably could, HawKING is extremely smart and articulate and a win at life in general.</p>
<p>They can be a good motivation at timess. imho.</p>
<p>Ok yeah I’ve decided that whenever I see this babe I’m going to make some deep*** eye contact and give a smile that’ll totally blow her mind.</p>
<p>And then just see where it’ll go from that.</p>