Do "Honors Only" Dorms (Ridgecrest East,West & South) fill up before 4th selection day?

My DD would like to be in a Ridgecrest honors only dorm, but she has May 11th (the 4th and last room selection day) as her priority day.

Is it likely all the honors beds will have been taken by then?

She has been talking with some other students and may room with some of them, but nothing definite yet and was wondering if the only way to get into those dorms was to have somebody with an earlier date request you?

It’s really hard to know, because this is the first year that students are limited to pulling in just one other person. In the past, a student could pull in three roommates, so a lot of kids leapfrogged those who had deposited before them. I would definitely have a backup plan, though. The later you go in room selection, the less likely you’ll find space for two roommates who want to live together in the same suite; a single might be easier to find. Frankly, there’s not necessarily a big difference between the honors suites and the non-honors suites. It really depends on who is nearby in the dorm. There are honors kids who are loud and party frequently, there are non-honors kids who are studious and the perfect neighbors, and there are also honors kids all throughout the non-honors dorms. Traditional dorms have their pluses as well.

@“beth’s mom” so you think singles will still be open? I am curious what your best guess is; I promise I won’t hold you to it! DS doesn’t really care who he rooms with.

I truly have no idea and wouldn’t even want to hazard a guess.

I am on a parent’s FB group and one of the members called housing to ask this same question. UA housing told this parent that last year honors dorms were not completely filled after the last pick day. Now, how it will play out this year is unknown, but I think it is important to remember that not all honors kids choose to live in honors housing. Of course your ds’s best bet is to find another honors student with an earlier pick date, but I do think your ds still stands a chance of getting in one of the Ridgecrest Dorms. I know my ds was in a four person honors suite (RE) that had one bed open at the end of the pick dates. A randomly assigned student was put in the 4th room later in the summer, so obviously there were still rooms available.