Do I even have a chance at the mid-tier UC's?

SoCal resident</p>

<p>Probably Bio major</p>

<p>UC GPA: 3.5 (low.....)</p>

<p>SAT: 1720 but retaking in November.
SAT II's: Bio E-610, Math II: 530 (retaking in December, I can put that on my app right?)</p>


<p>-64 hours of gift shop volunteer service at hospital
-32 hours of volunteer service at Emergency room in hospital
-Indian Club (freshman year, moved to new school and it was disbanded there)
-Interact Club (Junior+Senior year)
-Friend of the Playhouse (lame community service thing for my city)
-Did some investing in the stock market over the summer and worked with options
-Volunteered at Dental office over the summer</p>

<p>Hopefully write a good essay.</p>

<p>Schools: UCI, UCR, UCSB, UCD.</p>

<p>bump .....</p>

<p>both gpa and sat are on the low side of the spectrum for mid tier.....</p>

<p>sat 2000+ would be very helpful...</p>

<p>UCSB/UCI/UCD: reach
UCR: match</p>

<p>The SAT and GPA are a bit too low for mid-tier UCs. However, if you get a bit higher SAT, your chances would be better. Write really great essays and you just might get in. Good luck. =)</p>