Do I even have a CHANCE at these schools? any help will be appreciated.

<p>I'm one of those people who screwed up big-time in highschool, and now I've made a 180 degree turnaround. In HS I ended up with an overall 2.7 GPA....and i got a 23 on my ACTS. but i'm in my 3rd semester at a local community college now, and ive got a 3.7 GPA, I'm in the phi theta kappa honors society, in speech club, and i help out with the local church. I'm looking to transfer to wellesley as my top.. and also wesleyan, vassar, NYU, and fordam. does anyone have an idea of my chances are to get into those colleges? maybe i'm fit academically for one school more than another? i'm looking to apply soon, so that i can start at the new school in fall of '09.</p>

<p>OH.. and I'm hispanic... if that makes a difference?!</p>

<p>Chances are always open. try</p>